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Amanda's mouth fell open at the sight of vines wrapping around Hawkins, dark particles floating in the darker world which mirrored her own. The grey skies clapped with thunder, flashes of red lighting lighting up the sky for a split second. A loud shriek startled her, drawing her attention towards the woods which so ominously were covered with a thick fog. Emerging were bat-like creatures, screaming and nearly communicating to one another.

Amanda stood still for a moment, taking in the sight of the carnivorous bats, before realizing that she was in grave danger. As the first one grew closer, she extended her arm out towards it, bringing her arm and the bat downwards and slamming the bat onto the ground. Turning her head sharply to the left, she notices two more bats flying towards her at a high speed. Tilting her head downwards, she pulls her hand towards the bat and lets out a loud scream as she throws them both to the ground. Just as she turned around, she was pushed onto her back, feeling a sharp shooting pain in the left part of her stomach.

Before she could defend herself, she could feel something snake its way around her arms, pulling them outwards as she felt another shooting pain. She began to struggle against the bat's grip, but it was to no avail. She was caught in a situation she could not get out of, one which she was sure she would die in. In that moment Amanda thought of Eddie, thought of what he had said to her moments before she'd been pulled away.

"You heard him, Amanda. Don't be a hero. Be careful." Eddie said with pleading eyes, to which Amanda waved. She turned around, took a deep breath and jumped into the water.

Amanda could feel her airway closing as something squeezed tightly against her neck. She began to gasp for air as she felt herself grow weaker.

"Go to hell you son of a bitch!" Eddie shouted, stomping on one of the bats which hissed in return. Amanda watched as Eddie gripped onto an oar, forcefully shoving it into the bat's neck. As Steve fought off the bat which had its tail wrapped around Amanda's neck, and within seconds her throat felt less restricted. Coughing for air, Amanda shot up, using her wrist to grip onto the bat which fought for her arm. She pulled harshly before whipping the bat away, leaving her arm free. 

"Stand back." Amanda panted, looking to the others as they had all been focused on their surroundings. Amanda looked to Eddie, who shook his head in defiance. Amanda sent him a glare, before shouting at the top of her lungs. 

"Out of the way, now!" Amanda screamed, watching as everyone stood back. Amanda looked to Eddie, his eyes showing worry as his lip began to tremble. Amanda held both her hands out, feeling a droplet of blood fall from her nose as she closed her eyes. Focusing on using her powers, she opened her eyes, looking to the bats which flew towards her friends at a fast speed. The tension between her eyes grew strong as she shouted, feeling blood fall from her nose once more. Each of the bats had come to a halt, floating in thin air as Amanda twisted her hands slowly, feeling anger fester within her. Loud squeals were escaping from the bats, before silence had graced them.

With one final twist, they had all fallen to the ground, their necks cracked. Amanda fell to the ground, feeling a sharp pain in her side as her body grew weak. Each time she had used her powers, she'd grown weaker. Just as Eleven had. 

"Amanda!" Eddie shouted, running towards her. Kneeling next to her, he propped her body onto his, a teary-eyed smile on his face. 

"You did it." Eddie sniffled, before looking up to Nancy. 

"We need to leave, Eddie." Amanda spoke weakly, trying to stand herself up. She'd done so successfully, but with the success came a lot of pain. 

"Uh, do you guys think that these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin asked as she examined one of them, to which Amanda sent her a confused look. 

𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 - 𝘌𝘋𝘋𝘐𝘌 𝘔𝘜𝘕𝘚𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now