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"What the hell is that?" Eddie shrieked, staring down at the bloody metal Amanda held in her hand. 

"It's a tracking device, it wiped my memory... weakened my powers. Without this, I think we might have a somewhat fair fight." Amanda replied, looking to Nancy who nodded in agreement. They didn't have to say anything to understand what they were both thinking, both knowing nobody else would be on board. 

"What do you mean a fair fight? Vecna has the upper hand here, Amanda. We can't even get a hold of Joyce, there's no way this fight will ever be fair." Steve interrupted, crossing his arms as if he knew what she was about to say. 

"Whatever's happening in Lenora is connected to all of this. I'm sure of it..." Nancy walked towards the window, staring outside as she spoke gravely of the situation. "But Vecna can't hurt them. Not if he's dead." Nancy whispered, turning back to face Amanda. She waited for Amanda to agree, sending her a hopeful look. 

"By the looks of it, we can only kill Vecna from the Upside Down. We need to go back, we need a plan." Amanda looked to the group which immediately erupted with disproval. 

"Nope. No." Eddie waved his hand, looking to Amanda as if she were crazy. 

"Let's think this through, okay?" Steve spoke in a panicked tone, Nancy turning to him with hostility. 

"What is there to think through?" Nancy snapped back, her eyes widening at the man. 

"We barely made it out of there in one piece!" Steve retorted, raising his voice. Amanda chimed in, staring at Steve as she shook her head. 

"We weren't prepared and you know it. But this time we will be! We go get protection, guns maybe. Nancy can handle a gun, right? She has guns. We- we go through the gate, find his secret, evil little lair, and blow his brains out! We can kill him." Amanda sided with Nancy, Steve now faced with two hardheaded women standing before him. 

"Or he'll kill us. The only reason we survived is because he wanted us to. He's not scared of us." Steve pointed out, earning a nod from Eddie. 

"And for good reason. We were wrong about Vecna. Henry. One. Sorry, what are we calling him now?" Robin questioned, looking to the group as they gave varying answers. 

"Right. We've learned something new about Vecna/Henry/One. He's a number like Eleven and Amanda, only a sick, evil, male, child murdering version of them with really bad skin. But my... my point is, he's super powerful. He could turn us inside out with the snap of his fingers. It's not a fair fight. And you're absolutely crazy if you think Amanda could do something nearly as close as that." Robin spoke quickly, almost too quick for Amanda to understand. Though, Amanda knew she had a point. Her powers weren't tested, she did not know her own limits. To enter a fight with such little knowledge could be catastrophic. 

"So why fight fair?" Dustin chimed in, a small smile on his face. "You're right, he's like Eleven and Amanda. But that gives us the upper hand. We know Eleven's strengths... and weaknesses." 

"Weaknesses?" Erica questioned the boy, confused and slightly annoyed by his optimism. 

"What weaknesses?" Amanda queried. 

"When El remote-travels, she goes into this sort of trance like state. I bet the same is true about Vecna." Dustin further explained. 

"That would explain what he's doing in the attic." Lucas pointed out. 

"Exactly. When he attacks his next victim, I'll bet you he's back in that attic, physical body defenseless." Dustin explained excitedly. 

"What about his army of bats?" Steve reminded the boy in a pessimistic tone. 

"I'll take care of the bats." Amanda offered, the group looking to her as if she were crazy. 

"I did it before, I can do it again, right? I'll distract them somehow, kill them. And then you can do whatever needs to be done with Vecna. You said something about remote-travel, right?" Amanda began to pace as she thought through her plan, Dustin responding with a quick yes. 

"If Eleven can do it, I can too. What if I talk to Eleven, ask her about Vecna/Henry/One." The group looked to Amanda for a moment, nearly staring in amazement at her offer. Eddie quickly shook his head, disproving of the entire plan. 

"No, no way are you putting yourself in danger like that. I won't allow it." He nearly shouted, walking towards her as he stared daggers into her head. 

"It's our best chance, Eddie. This is how we fight fair." Amanda placed her hand against his chest, sending him a cold look before turning to Max. 

"If I'm going to talk to Eleven, I need to know what she looks like. I need to know who I'm looking for." Amanda sent Max a confident look, sending her to retrieve a photo of Eleven. 

"You're also going to need a blindfold." Lucas added, following behind Max. 

Eddie's hand met her arm, his eyes showing fear as he stared into hers. All she could see in that moment was the blood on his face. The tear that had fallen. She knew she needed to protect him, even if that meant killing herself in the process. 

"You don't have to do this. I know I said that I didn't want to run anymore, but that doesn't apply to you. You can run. In fact- in fact I encourage you to run. Run now." Eddie rambled, Amanda grabbing onto his hand and squeezing it tightly. 

"Let me save the world, Eddie. I can do it." 

Sitting on the ground with cloth wrapped around her eyes, she focused on finding Eleven. She had memorized the girls face, how happy she looked wearing colorful clothes and a feather scarf around her neck. The darkness surrounding her had become lighter, water greeting her shoes as she began to look around. Turning around, she noticed a girl with a shaved head watching her sit, watching the group around her as they all stared at Amanda. 

The girl turned around, facing Amanda with a concerned look. 

"Do you see anything?" Robin's voice sounded nearly distorted, almost startling the girl. 

"No talking." Amanda hushed, walking closer towards Eleven. The girl was wearing a white suit, as if she were in some sort of lab. 

"You are Amanda?" Eleven spoke up, taking slow steps towards the girl. Amanda nodded, taking another step closer. 

"You must be Eleven, then? This is kind of... trippy. I've heard many stories about you, all of which kind of scare the crap out of me. You saved the world three times, I'm here to ask you to make it a fourth." Amanda stood confidently, Eleven smiling slowly. 

"Thank you for helping my friends." Eleven enveloped her in a tight hug, Amanda standing there for a moment as her arms hung outwards. She hesitantly hugged her back before pulling away. 

"We need you here, to help fight this battle. I'm afraid that my powers aren't strong enough, but with yours... I believe we can do this. I believe we can win and save Hawkins. One is waiting for you, it's you he's after. If you come here and fight him, with my help and the help of everyone else, we can kill him." Amanda spoke optimistically, watching as Eleven drew away from her. 

"I'll help." Eleven said, turning to mist. Amanda began to call out her name, screaming as she searched for the girl. It was of no use, she was already gone. 

Amanda pulled off her blindfold, looking to the others as they all stared at her with concern. Amanda wiped away the blood that had poured from her nose, standing herself up with a sigh. 

"It worked."

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