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Amanda had woken to the sight of tan walls, a metal bedframe with a cheap cot laid in the corner of the room, a small stuffed dog keeping her company as she clutched to it tightly. Her eyes darted to the door, which had been locked shut, leaving her to herself completely. There was one light, it's flickering bothering her eyes as she focused on trying to make it stop. Closing her eyes, she attempted to make it stop, a droplet of blood falling onto her grey sweatpants. As she opened her eyes, the flickering was gone. 

She was left in silence, that was until the door creaked open. Behind it, a redheaded woman with a nervous smile as she laid her eyes on young Amanda. Amanda scooted back on the bed, trying to further herself from the lady, to which the lady responded with soft words. 

"Caroline, I'm here to take you home." The woman spoke kindly, as if she had no ill intent. 

"Who are you?" Amanda spoke quietly, her shyness becoming evident to the lady which stood at the door. 

"I'm your mother, dear. I've come to take you home." The woman smiled, a single tear trailing it's way down her cheek. Amanda could feel her heartbeat gain speed, her eyes watering as she sat there dumbfounded by the news. 

"You're not Mom." Amanda shook her head, anger filling her body completely. She had lived with her mother, and she wouldn't let herself believe that this woman was her mother. 

"Honey, it's okay. I know this is confusing but-"

"No." Amanda spoke deeply, her head tilted downwards as she held eye contact. 

"Nineteen, she is your mother." A blonde haired man spoke calmly, which only enraged Amanda more. 

"No!" Amanda screamed, causing the light to flicker quickly. The woman looked up to the light, her eyes shot open as she looked back to her daughter. 

Amanda stood herself up, the stuffed dog falling to the ground as she sent the woman a look of pure anger. 

Amanda stretched out her arm, pointing it towards the woman as she moved it upwards, leaving the woman levitating. She began to struggle, grunting against the pressure she felt all around her body. 

"You're not my Mom." Amanda shouted, before throwing her backwards. The woman flew, her back harshly clashing with the brick wall behind her, blood pouring from her ears just seconds after. 

"You are a monster." A familiar voice spoke, Amanda now being surrounded by the same dark place she'd been in once before. She turned to meet Eddie, who stared at her in disgust. Thick black vines crawled around her, swirling around any object in it's path. Her breathing became unsteady as Eddie took a step closer, his eyes narrowing as he smiled. This smile, however, was made with pure malice. 

"You're a murderer. A disgrace. You've killed me and cannot even remember it, can you?" A woman spoke from Amanda's side, her head quickly turning to meet the eyes of the woman who claimed to be her biological mother. Amanda took a step backwards, both walking towards her with anger behind their eyes. 

"I- I can! I'm sorry!" Amanda spoke breathlessly, the overwhelming urge to run taking over all her senses. The loud ring of a grandfather clock startled her, drawing her eyes to the woods which were covered in a thick fog. '

"You are not a hero, Amanda. Every second you hide, every second you pretend to care about them... you have wasted your potential. You stand alone among them all, Amanda. Your crimes, so heedlessly tossed aside in your memory, have come back to haunt you haven't they? I pity you, Amanda. Of all people, I expected a challenge from you. Stronger than most I've ever met, though it was a shame you had to leave so soon. You are the reason I am here, you are the reason I have emerged from the depths of this world. You are the reason they are all dead. You cannot help them, Amanda. All your friends will die, and so will you." The creature spoke, emerging from a familiar fog in the woods. Amanda squeezed her eyes shut, praying that she would open them and be back to reality. Though, her heart had broken once she heard it's voice again. 

"Your time is running out, your suffering is almost at an end." The creature spoke in an exhale. Amanda opened her eyes to be met with Eddie, frantically screaming and shaking her. 

"Amanda!" Eddie nearly screeched, pulling her in for a tight hug. Amanda could feel tears falling, as she felt all the air in her body exit at once. Gasping for air, she felt as if she was drowning. Adrenaline pumping through her veins, she quickly pushed Eddie away. 

"We need to kill this son of a bitch, Eddie." Amanda spat as she nearly gasped for air, slamming her fist against the wall. Eddie stood back, watching as she sobbed. He began to think about how perfect the moment they just shared was, and how it turned scary in a split second. 

"This is bullshit, this is bullshit... this is bullshit." Amanda repeated softly, digging her nails into the skin of her arm harshly, fury soaring through her veins. 

"What happened? Can you tell me?" Eddie questioned, taking a step closer. Amanda shook her head quickly, holding her hand out as if she would stop him, but her emotions were too strong. With a swift motion, Eddie flew backwards and hit the wall, a yell emerging from his mouth. Amanda stood back, covering her mouth as her eyes shot wide open. Images of her mother flashed through her mind, the blood which poured from her ears taunting her as she nearly recreated the scene. 

"Oh my god." Amanda shrieked, watching as Eddie brought his hand to the back of his head. As he pulled his hand away, spots of blood were spread along his palm. 

"I'm bleeding." Eddie nearly shouted, standing up slowly. 

"I didn't mean to I-"

"I don't want to hear it, okay? Not right now." Eddie shouted as he walked towards the kitchen. Amanda immediately followed, wiping away the small droplet of blood from her nose. Eddie sat himself on a stool in the kitchen, letting out a frustrated sigh as Amanda grabbed a towel which hung on the bar handle of the oven. She brought it over to the sink, drenching it in water before walking over towards Eddie. 

Amanda walked closer to him, before pulling his hair to the side to get a better visual of the cut. It was small, but blood was spewing faster than she'd thought. Amanda pressed the towel against the cut lightly, hearing Eddie take in a sharp breath. 

"You have nice hair." Amanda commented, causing Eddie to blow air from his nose, as if it were a silent chuckle. 

"Yeah, well it looks a lot better when my head's not bleeding." Eddie joked. Amanda smiled lightly, holding more pressure as she noticed blood begin to show itself through the fabric. 

"I'm sorry... for being such an asshole to you lately." Amanda could feel her lips begin to tremble as she cared for the man she'd hurt. 

"No, it's okay. I've been the asshole. You're going through more than any of us and I wasn't being fair to you." Eddie replied, his tone soft. 

"No, it's not right. You have been so kind to me, even when I throw you against the wall you forgive me. I just... to be honest I didn't want to be around you today. Not because you hurt me, but because I'm afraid I'll hurt you. I feel like if I tell you what I see, you'll look at me differently." Amanda fought against her tears, exhausted from crying all the time, she had decided she'd do anything to keep herself from crying again. 

"What, like when you were cursed?" Eddie attempted to gain a better understanding, curious as to what she meant. 

"What I saw... I'm afraid of myself. The worst part is, I didn't even remember until now. Something so important, so horrible, should be remembered. And I couldn't even do that." Amanda paused, noticing the silence from Eddie. Building up courage, she'd finally blurted out the truth. 

"I think I killed my biological mother."  


I know this story isn't a whole lot believable right now but I promise that it will all make sense soon! Trust me,, I cannot stand when things are unrealistic!!

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