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"It's been less than 48 hours since a 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the quaint town of Hawkins, 80 miles outside of Indianapolis, in an event that seismologists are calling 'a natural disaster of near-unprecedented scale.'  The death toll now stands at 22. But with hundreds more filling Roane County hospitals and many more still missing, officials expect those numbers to rise. This is only the latest tragedy to befall this once-safe town. Most recently, a string of high school students were killed in a series of ritualistic murders, which have been linked to a local satanic cult known as 'Hellfire.' Eddie Munson, the leader of this cult and prime suspect in the murders, has been missing since the earthquake and is presumed dead. But this offers little comfort to the people of Hawkins, who are scared, angry, and searching for answers." The reporter spoke gravely of the issue, burning buildings to be seen behind him, nearly leveled as ash and smoke filled the air. 

Amanda turned the TV off in a fit of rage, completely shocked that people could be happy about Eddie's death. She stood herself up from her chair, heading towards the front door as she grabbed the box she had put next to her shoes earlier. It was then that the door opened, revealing the woman she so desperately wanted to see. 

"Mom!" Amanda cried, rushing to hug her mother. The two stood in the embrace, sobbing into each others necks as they refused to let go. 

"I'm so glad you're okay, sweetheart. I was so scared." Her mother's shook up voice prompted for Amanda to pull away, sending her a weak smile as images of Eddie lying dead on the ground flashed through her mind. 

"Mom..." Amanda said weakly, falling into her chest as she let out a loud sob. 

"I know, dear. I know." Her mother soothed, rubbing her hand against her back lightly. 

"We need to get going, okay? I told Eleven and the rest that I would help clear out an old house for her to stay, it's pretty beat up. You're coming with." Her mother pulled away, pulling her daughters hair behind her ears. Amanda nodded, slipping her shoes on and grabbing the box. Amanda shoved the box into her mothers trunk, slamming it closed and making her way to the passengers seat. 

The drive there took about ten minutes, where she had seen Mike and Eleven standing outside of the home with Nancy, and two boy's she had never seen before. Each turned to face the car, Eleven looking to Amanda with a soft smile. Amanda unbuckled her seatbelt, stepping out of the car and slamming the door. The two walked closer to each other, hugging the other tightly as if they'd known each other forever. 

"You put up a hell of a fight." Amanda mumbled, pulling away to face Eleven. 

"So did you." Eleven nodded, before turning back to Mike. 

"Wait, that's Amanda? Since when did you have powers?" Mike nearly whined, Amanda looking to her mother as a smile formed. 

"It's a long story." Her mother interjected, relieving her daughter from having to explain everything to the curious boy. 

"Amanda, how are you holding up?" Nancy questioned, a weak smile forming as they both had shared similar grief. 

"I don't really know if I am, but I'm figuring it out. We have... we have bigger problems to worry about right now, anyway." Amanda took a step closer, pulling Nancy in for a hug. Nancy pulled away, motioning to the man beside her. 

"Oh, this is Jonathan, by the way." Nancy introduced the two, Jonathan sending her a shy smile. 

"The boyfriend who listens to Talking Heads? I gotta' tell 'ya, you've got great taste in music." Amanda complimented, her eyes landing on a long haired man brushing his fingertips against the trees he passed. 

"That's Argyle," Jonathan chuckled, before looking back to Amanda. "And thank you." 

The next hour or two was spent cleaning the house, Mike and Will focusing on sweeping as Nancy and Jonathan drilled wood over the holes in the wall. Amanda cleaned off the surfaces, piling all the trash into the corner as she dusted off the counter. Eleven had helped her, making small talk about things that were very insignificant. 

"I know you and Max were best friends. I uh... I got a bit close with her through all this. I kind of hate myself for not being able to help her." Amanda mumbled, fighting against the tears. 

"She is still alive." Eleven spoke matter-of-factly, as if she was telling herself as well. 

"I know... I just- I guess I wish it was me instead of her." Amanda replied quietly, Eleven's hand gripping onto her shoulder. 

"She will be okay. We will save her." Eleven spoke confidently, walking towards her room as she closed the door behind her. Amanda couldn't help but eavesdrop on the boys' conversation, listening to Will explain that Vecna was still alive. That he could still feel him. 

Amanda's eyes were drawn outside, emerging from a car was an older man and woman, presumably Will and Jonathan's mother with the old police chief Jim Hopper. She couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart knowing that he was still alive, even after being pronounced dead. Amanda rushed outside, the boys following behind as she looked to the woman. The woman looked at her, and somehow knew everything. Amanda didn't know how she knew, but she could see it in the way she looked at her. 

"Amanda." The woman said, pulling her into an embrace for a short period of time before moving on to her children, Hopper walking through the door to find Eleven. 

"Word travels fast." Amanda's mother smiled, wrapping her arm around Amanda's body and pulling her closer, resting her head on top of her daughters. 

"What happened to Brenner?" Amanda questioned, her mother falling silent for a moment. Amanda knew what the silence meant. "Oh." 

"He told me to tell you that everything he's done was to protect you. That he made the device weaken for a reason. So you could control your own body when you could make decisions calmly and effectively. He told me to tell you that your parents-" 

"They're dead, aren't they?" Amanda mumbled, realizing that he was, in fact, not her father. But at one point, he was the closest she had to one. 

"Yes, my dear. They are." Her mother said in defeat. Amanda looked to her mother, cracking a smile as she held back a laugh. 

"You find that funny? Amanda Johnson!" Her mother scolded, watching as he daughter broke into a fit of laughter. And soon, her mother did the same. 

"I'm sorry it's just- how did I go from normal teenage girl to dead parents, dead friends, and having powers?" Amanda said between laughs, her laughter subsiding as they all turned to face grey clouds falling over them. Eleven and Hopper had emerged from the house, looking to the clouds with the rest of them. Dark particles began to float down on them, each following the clouds to the end of a hill. Everyone stood still at the edge of the hill, Amanda and Eleven walking closer as if they were protective of their friends. 

Amanda's mind darted to the box in her mother's trunk. To the letter she'd left inside of it. Her heart began to ache as she recollected the events that lead them here. To max's broken bones and blind eyes, to Eddie's death. 

The note had read:

Here's your Walkman.

-Your Hero

𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 - 𝘌𝘋𝘋𝘐𝘌 𝘔𝘜𝘕𝘚𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now