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As Amanda's eyes opened, it seemed as if she were consumed by a complete darkness, one that wrapped itself around her tightly. She quickly sat up with a gasp, feeling her forehead. As she pulled her fingers away, blood had dripped from them, a splotch of red falling from her eyelashes.

"Jesus Christ, I thought you were dead." Eddie sighed in relief, Amanda's eyes shooting to his as she looked around in confusion. She was now surrounded by woods, somehow on the opposite side of the lake.

"Who... are you?" Amanda questioned, trying her best to hide the smile that so desperately wanted to form. Eddie's eyes grew dark with fear, afraid that Amanda couldn't remember anything that had happened, afraid that Amanda couldn't remember him.

"You don't-" Before Eddie could finish his sentence, Amanda smiled lightly.

"I'm just messing with you, Eddie." Amanda chuckled, watching as a flash of relief washed over the boy, before agitation took over.

"Oh, so you think that's funny?" Eddie countered, pulling her in for a short hug.

"I'd say so. It's not like you're an expert on humor anyway." Amanda smiled weakly, before feeling her forehead once more. Eddie's annoyed look quickly faded into worry as he watched droplets of blood drip from her forehead.

"It's a nasty cut, he got you good. Listen, we need to find a good place to hide, but we need to find a walkie first. Mine fell into the lake when... everything happened." Eddie explained, standing himself up as he extended his hand out towards her. Amanda accepted, using him as support to stand herself up.

She knew better than to ask questions, especially since she knew he didn't want to talk about it. Had anything too important happened, he would have the right mind to tell her.

"Okay, well there's a construction site somewhere close I believe. We could sneak over there and take one." Amanda suggested, patting his shoulder lightly. 

"Before we go, let me clean that wound a bit. I grabbed a towel and some napkins and tape from the house when I got you. Here, let me." Eddie dampened a napkin with the water bottle he'd brought, dapping it against her skin lightly as she winced. 

"I tried to fight them off, but it didn't work. They caught me off guard." Amanda whispered, staring down to the ground as Eddie tended to her wound. 

"Don't apologize, okay? You found out you had powers yesterday, it's not your fault that you're not perfect at using them. You did scare the shit out of Jason, though." Eddie laughed, before pulling away the bloodied napkin and bringing a dry one to her wound, taping each side of it to her forehead. 

"I guess this is the part where we start walking then, huh?" Eddie let out a groan as he walked deeper into the woods, leaving Amanda alone for a moment as she watched him saunter. Caught up in her own thoughts, she quickly ran to him, with the dreaded feeling of her body weakening below her. 

As they walked, Eddie made multiple pauses, picking up items hidden within the grass, before tossing them to the side. Picking up an acorn, presenting it to Amanda with a large smile. 

"I present to you... a present from your very own- Eddie Munson." Eddie held it out to her, nearly bowing as she took it from his palm. Amanda smiled weakly, staring at the acorn in confusion as he bowed once more. 

"An... acorn?" Amanda held back a laugh, looking to him with confused, yet amused eyes. 

"What, do you have something against acorns?" Eddie spoke defensively, sending her a fake interrogatory look. 

"Well... no... but you could have picked me a flower or something." Amanda shrugged, causing Eddie to place his hand over his heart dramatically. 

"I wouldn't think you're a flower type of girl." Eddie said in disbelief, to which she smiled. 

"What makes you say that?" Amanda questioned as she continued to walk forward. 

"Your disgusting taste in music. I gagged when I heard your favorite song," Eddie sent her a serious look, to which she furrowed her eyebrows in astonishment. 

"You're joking." Amanda narrowed her eyes as he shook his head, causing her to roll her eyes. 

"The Talking Heads? I mean, seriously? I could shit out a better band than that. In fact, I'm in a better band than that. You should come see us play." Eddie teased, watching as Amanda desperately tried to defend her favorite band. However, it was of no avail, Eddie had already decided he hated them. 

"Why would I want to see your band perform shit metal music anyway?" Amanda retorted after the long debate, causing Eddie to place his hand to his heart and lunge himself backwards, falling into the grass and leaves. Standing himself up in an odd manner, as if he'd began to walk before he even stood up, he sent her a joking glare. 

"That hurt my soul, Amanda. I have a new nickname for you, soul crusher. Way better than the whole sisters of death thing you have going with Max." Eddie spoke with his movements, shock spewing from his voice. Amanda giggled at his sudden movements, and at the fact that there were now leaves in his hair, to which he touched his hair and sent her a goofy smile. 

"What, is there something in my hair?" Eddie questioned, feeling his hair. Amanda stepped closer, picking away all the debris his hair had collected due to his erratic movements. She picked away at them softly, plucking the crunchy leaves as she flicked them off her fingers. 

"You're a total freak, Munson." Amanda shook her head, smiling as she looked into his eyes. 

"A freak with an amazing music taste, right?" Eddie added on, amusement in his voice. 

"You're going a bit too far there, Eddie." Amanda said, patting him harshly on his back as she continued to walk. Eddie followed behind, completely captivated by the way she presented herself. How she could be so vulnerable in one moment, and change that in an instant. 

He'd never met a girl like her, one with such little care for what others thought of her. And maybe that's what drew him to her so much.

As they approached Skull Rock after stealing a Walkie from the construction sight, Amanda could feel herself grow cold. Her body becoming weak as she broke out into a cold sweat. Gripping onto Eddie for support was of no use, she was no longer strong enough to stand. 

Falling to the ground, it was as if she'd went blind. Her eyes suddenly going dark even when they were open, her ears ringing so loud she couldn't hear Eddie's frantic voice. She could feel her heart beat irregularly, and in this moment she felt as if she were dying. 

As time went on, she slowly regained her ability to hear and see, a blurry figure of Eddie speaking into the Walkie with his palm on his forehead, leaning forward as he spoke to the rest of the group. 

"Eddie." Amanda muttered, attempting to sit herself up. Eddie rushed to her, kneeling beside her as he spoke unintelligible words. 

"I can't- I can barely hear you." Amanda replied weakly, closing her eyes slowly. 

𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 - 𝘌𝘋𝘋𝘐𝘌 𝘔𝘜𝘕𝘚𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now