~drunk vinnie~ imagine

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You guys ordered some food off of door dash and it had been a an hour and he was drunk and Impatient so he said "we're going to go pick it up" he went to go get his keys but he almost fell but luckily you ran up to him he said "oh shit I'm fine y/n" you say "vinnie you sure that you wanna drive I can if you want" he says "no it's fine" you say "no baby I got it" and snatch his keys from his hand and help him to the car you guys get in the car and buckle up.

You're driving on the road to go out of the hype house vinnie says "oh my god can like hurry up" he tries to touch the wheel you've never seen vinnie like this he is not a bad drunk but when he Is mad and drunk now thats different but he was getting in your nerves almost making you crash you are still driving down the road and he stays quite which is good for you so there won't be anything that goes wrong.

You drive down the street to the pizza place you tell vinnie to stay in the car he is half asleep anyway he well be fine you run inside and explain the situation to them how the pizza took forever and all that you then head back to the car and vinnie is in the same place you put the pizza in the back seat you put you're seat belt on and see that vinnie is snoring you hurry home so vinnie can sleep the alcohol away.

Once you make it home and get vinnie and the pizza in his room you sign and say "vinnie we could have crashed you touching the wheel you know I don't like when you do that" he says "oh well guess what we're fine" you say with your voice raised a little "thank god" he says "whatever" while eating the pizza you roll your eyes and say "vinnie why do you take your anger out on me you make me feel horrible it reminds me of my childhood" he looks at you with guilt in his eyes.

He puts his pizza down seeing that you're teary eyed he says "baby yes I'll admit I'm drunk but I'm so sorry I try not to get mad when I'm drunk baby I'm sorry" and he hugs you tight you say "vinnie it's okay but please think next time okay" he nods you go on the bed and let vinnie lay on your chest and hold you he reminds you of a little baby that is attached to there mom but in this situation your the mom and vinnie is the little kid.

He falls asleep and you admire his beautiful face and just hold him and fall asleep with vinnie on top of you what a good ending to your night.

~498 words~


~Vinnie smuts and imagines,fluffs~Where stories live. Discover now