~Y/n is sick~imagine

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You wake up coughing it is 5 in the afternoon vinnie is or was streaming and he hears you cough and quickly turns his head and stops talking I to the mic and says "y/n are you baby" you then start to cry because you feel so bad and horrible you have no energy but you keep coughing he ends his stream and hurry's to you

And rubs your back "baby what's wrong" you try to get out "I don't feel good vin" and cough again he rubs you're back again and then wipes the hair out of you're face bc you say "vin I'm gonna t-throw up" and he helps you to the bathroom and you bend down In front of the toilet and block you're face and throw up and you wipe you're mouth and vinnie is holding you're hair back

You then say "vin I don't want you to see me like this" he says "baby you're still so hot you have nothing to worry about" you then throw up again and start to cry at the pain again and vinnie starts the tub water and you look at him he  then says "I'm gonna give you a bath" and you smile and say "you're t-too good to me" and then throw up again

He slowly lifts you up and stops the water so the tub is ready he then takes off you're clothes and feels how hot you are with his hands he then helps you into the tub and you groan at the warm feeling water against you're hot skin you grabs vinnies hand not liking the way you're feeling he holds you're hand and gets you're hair wet by get a rag and getting the water out of it

He then continues to bathe you and you're just coughing while he is doing so you wanna start crying again but vinnie holds you're hand tighter and says "baby you're okay I got you okay?" You then nod, once you're done with you're bath he helps you out and puts you in some shorts and a sweatshirt he helps and walks you to the bed and slowly tucks your in

He asks "do you want anything" you shake you're head he then gets in the bed with you and you lay on him and he holds you, you are so great full to have vinnie take care of you like this

411 words


~Vinnie smuts and imagines,fluffs~Where stories live. Discover now