~jammed finger~imagine

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You're playing ball with Michael In the living room you're just hitting it back and forth vinnie was in the kitchen doing god knows what you continued to hit it back and forth and then you scream in pain the ball had jammed you're finger you held you're hand lightly as you've never jammed a finger before so it hurts bad you then here vinnie run into the living room

He pushes Michael and says "what the fuck did you do" Michael says "I didn't do anything calm down" you say "vinnie" in pain he then runs up too you and sits down on the floor with you he says "baby what happened" you then say "we were hitting a ball back and forth and the ball jammed my finger" with a tear rolling down you're cheek he says "baby don't cry it's okay, I'll help you" and helps you get up

He then picks you up and you wrap you're arms and legs around him he takes you to his room and in his bathroom he gives you so pain reliever that he has in his room for after workouts or something (IDK) and he gives you two of them and notices the swelling and says "baby the swelling will go down in a few days and the pain" you nod and hug him

You say "that hurt like a bitch vinnie" with a small smile trying to make better of the situation he says "I'm sure it did jammed fingers hurt" you nod and say "wanna cuddle?" With a smirk he picks you up and throws you on the bed and starts to spoon you like he is a baby you're the big spoon in this situation

You say "thanks for taking care of me" he says "you're welcome baby" and you too fall asleep

y'all I have had the roughest past couple of days so I'm sorry for not posting a lot and I'm sorry this is short

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