~Y/n is high~fluff

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You normally smoke weed but today you smoked a little to much and whilst you're room was filled with smoke vinnie came in there and said "god y/n what the fuck" you laugh because off his response your just laying in the middle of your bed you look like a mess vinnie went over to you and said "y/n why did you smoke so much" you say "I-I didn't know I-it would make me like t-this" with a smile and you stand up and start walking around.

You then walk in front of vinnie he says "your way to high to even function y/n" with a laugh you then laugh but fall on top of vinnie you laugh and he tries to get you off but you say "no vinnie stop" you then make him sit down on your bed and you straddle him and start to kiss he he stops you and says "y/n your high no" you just go to kiss him again he says "y/n as much as I want this your not in the right mindset" you just go kiss him once more he says holding your wrists "I'll let us kiss if it's only kissing" you nod and he grabs your neck and starts kissing you.

You moan into it he stops and says "y/n no" you kiss him and start to grind of him you know he is gonna try to stop so you make him lay on his back and you get on top of him and take off your shirt showing your bra and you throw it on you're floor next thing you know vinnies shirt is on you're floor at this point vinnie is also high from all of it in the air the next thing you hear is your door swinging open with kover and Michael and Alex.

You get off of him and groan Michael says "vinnie get you some" he shakes his head is disbelief you face the bed and you scream "get out" and they don't leave you then scream ur louder "get the fuck out of my room" that leave and slam the door you groan and say to vinnie "my whole plan was to get high and you come in here because I like you a lot and didn't know how to tell you" he says "wait really" you nod and he says "I've had a thing for you for a while".

You smile and say "so when ever we are both like not high do you wanna like for sure revisit this sex thing" he nods and smiles and he then kissed you whilst putting his shirt back on and walking out of your room and closing your door you then open a window to get the weed smell out of the room

~480 words~


~Vinnie smuts and imagines,fluffs~Where stories live. Discover now