~hickeys all over~fluff

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You and vinnies lips are not even an inch apart you can feel his calm breathe go onto you're face he is holding you're waist while you straddle him you are wearing plaid shorts with a white tank top and you're hair is in a bun he is wearing plaid pants and he is shirtless you then look down seeing vinnie is hard you can see a small bulge through his plaid pants

You whisper "vinnie" and make eye contact with him his eyes are dark and his lips are just waiting to be kissed you cup his face with you're hands he says
"Y/n" and he  pulls you closer on his lap so you're now sitting on his bluge you stutter on words and you close the gap between you guys you kiss his plump lips and he moves his lips move with you're and you rock you're hips and you moan

He says "I love when you moan y/n" and he goes back to you're lips he makes you moan again while you're still kissing him so he quickly puts his tongue in you're mouth you start to move you're hands all over his abs he groans at you touching him he gets out of the kiss leaving you out of breathe he pushes you down on you're back and he gets out from under you

He says "may I take this off" you nod and he takes you're tank top off and sees your bare chest sense you weren't wearing a bra he inhales deeply and smirks he starts sucking on you're neck leaving hickies you moan at that once he has covered you neck and chest with hickies he asks to take you're shorts off you once again nod he slides them down to you're ankles and moves lower down on you're body

To you're underwear he starts leaving hickies on you're waist Line and then he  was making hickies on you're thighs and then Calvin runs in and says "yooooo bro y/nnn is naked" with a laugh he is obviously high vinnie quickly covers you're boobs and says "Calvin get out" and then Calvin walks out you look at vinnie and laugh and he starts laughing too he gives you you're tank top and slides you're shorts back on

You hold vinnies hand and feel that he is still hard you say "vin you're still hard" and he says "we can deal with that later" with a smile and you pull vinnie to the door and say "wanna go get something to eat" and he nods and you smile



455 words

~Vinnie smuts and imagines,fluffs~Where stories live. Discover now