~heart broken~imagine

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There he is with Isabella the person that is supposed to be my best friend I see them at the table they are across from each other but they are talking to the others and staring deep into each other's eyes I then see his arm start to make contact with her arm I stare at his tattoos wishing those hands were on me, this hurts so much because she knows I've liked him since the 3rd grade and she still did this I can not believe this right now

I continue to watch them as they continue talking smiling laughing....I can feel my heartbreak slowly because I really thought that maybe one day I would have a chance with vinnie but I guess I was too stupid I then saw the two stand up and he pulled her in and kisses her. My heart shattered at that very moment I can not believe this is real I wanted to go in my room and cry forever this was possibly the worst day of my entire life

Then after they kissed he spun her around and hugged her at the end oh how I wish that I was in her shoes she was doing this to make me jealous I just know it, I then got to caught up with staring at them vinnie turns and sees me with my face all red and puffy...and my mascara running down my face now truly I was trying to find closure in this situation but I couldn't every part of me was hurt

Not only did my best friend switch up I lost her as a friend and I had to watch my "best friend" and vinnie get together when I'm older and tell stories to my children I will make sure to tell them this so they don't get hurt like I did, as soon as I made eye contact with vinnie I ran and left the restaurant I was crushed I was a crying mess the next thing I knew I called my dad to come pick me up considering I didn't want to be there anymore

He asked me what's wrong in the car so when we were driving back home I explained everything I was so ~heartbroken~.


~Vinnie smuts and imagines,fluffs~Where stories live. Discover now