2. She's Here

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The next day Abhi again woke up around 5 o clock but not because of any alarms. He checked and realized that his alarm clock has stopped working. "Maybe I need to change the battery...ahhhh" and he felt some pain in his chest again. The pain because of which he was tossing around the bed early morning and finally woke up. "What' happening to me? Why is it paining so much? Please god is it an indication that she is- oh no no! What rubbish are you even thinking Abhimanyu? Take some pain killers and go to your work." And Abhi gets up blabbering all this, moves towards the washroom and freshens up. Something was just not the same today. The air, the atmosphere, the people, the random street noises, everything seemed weird to Abhimanyu as he rode his bike towards the hospital.


Here, two girls are coming out of the air port with two little suitcases. They take a taxi and move towards their house.

"Akshu, you know there is something in the air of Udaipur, I cannot find this peace anywhere else. Thankyou Akshu thankyou for-" and Arohi looks towards her sister whose eyes were moist yet again. 

"For me, this place and its air will always remind me of him. Specially today when its his-"

"Its his birthday na?" Arohi hugged her sister on this realisation.

"Yes! Aaru, I want to see him!" Akshu sobbed. "I won't go near him or talk to him or even touch him, I just want to see him. Is it possible?"

"Yes Akshu, it is! We will see him today okay? And otherwise too, its been three years, you think she will still have eyes on him? If you're here I think you should also talk to him. He will get his best birthday gift meri jaan!"

"NO NO! I can't take that risk. Never Aaru! I did not leave him to put him in the same trouble after 3 years again. What you're thinking to be his best birthday gift can cost so much do you even realise?" Akshu said, frightened. Arohi could see the same fear and pain on her face again, which she saw 3 years back.

"Okay okay! As you say. Now lets go home and meet our family first? They are waiting for us since forever!" Arohi tried to lighten her sister. Akshu too forced a smile.

Akshara and Arohi reached their home and their family is elated to see them. Kairav ran out of the door the moment he saw their cab reaching home. His sisters came out and he gave tight hugs to both of them, crying and sobbing simultaneously. One after the other, all the family members met the sisters and shed tears. They were taken inside the house and there were a variety of dishes ready for their arrival. They were forced to sit and well fed. 

"Okay okay what are you guys even doing to them. My sisters must be tired. Let them go to their room and sleep for sometime. They had an early morning flight na?" Kairav spoke as he saw his sisters struggling to eat anymore.

"Ah yes bhai we're actually so tired. This madam Akshu came so late from the NGO yesterday that we were packing stuff till late night and did not get any sleep!" Arohi teased Akshu.

"Oh god Akshu! Okay so lets go up? I'll take your bags." Kairav said as he moved to pick his sisters' stuff.

"Bhaiya, why are you doing it? There are servants na?" Akshu stopped him.

"No bacha, let me! I was dying to help you out with things since 3 years!" Kairav said with tears in his eyes.

Akshu nodded and the three went towards Akshu's room.

"Bhai Akshu wants to meet Abhi!" Arohi said straightaway, the moment they reached the room. Akshu gave her a shocked look whereas Kairav grew tensed.

"But Akshu how will you-" Kairav tried to question but Akshu cut him off.

"Bhaiya, I just wanted to see him. It's his birthday today. I mean will you help me?"

"Sure Akshu! Your bhai is always there for you. But please be careful."

"Bhai me and Arohi will leave in an hour or two, you please see to it that no one gets to know about it here."

Kairav agreed and went back whereas Akshu started to prepare her heart to see him once again, after ages.


As the day was passing by, Abhimanyu was growing more and more restless. His heart was thumping and he could feel his heartbeats very clearly. He obviously had no idea about his birthday. He did not know the decorations were done for him. He was sitting in his cabin, with his hair bundled in his fist, trying to deal with everything that was going on in his heart. Hours passed like that. Suddenly he felt his heartbeats stopped racing. He was feeling as if cool breeze has suddenly started blowing. Something was providing relief to him. He got up and looked through his cabin's window. There were a lot of people coming in with gifts, dressed beautifully. But his eyes were searching for only one person, his Akshara. His heart was signalling this since morning. She is just here. He knew it! He ran out of his cabin and started running in the corridors in search of that one person. The one who was the medicine to all his wounds. The one who could just heal him forever. The one for whom he was hoping for since the last 3 years, which felt like 3 ages to him. He ran along the corridors like a madman, hoping to get her glimpse somewhere. Following his heart, he went inside a room whose lights were switched off. All of a sudden the lights tuned on and he was showered with rose petals, party poppers and tons of birthday wishes. His mom and dad came towards him and hugged him. They wished him his birthday and he cried seeing them together after so long. He had not been to his home and his mom never came to the hospital. He never knew the relations between his parents were fine now. He cried happy tears and hugged them back. 

"Thankyou so much!" he said while still crying. This, this was such a beautiful birthday present. 

Now, one after the other, everyone started coming towards Abhimanyu. They wished him, hugged him and gave him lots of gifts. But there was one person who was hiding behind the decorations, smiling and shedding happy tears seeing her special someone. Abhimanyu still felt her presence. After everyone was done with wishing him and he cut the cake to feed everyone, he again started moving in the direction where his heart was taking him to.

Okay sorryyy but abhira will definitely meet in the next chapter. But the build up was also necessary na? I hope you understand. Also abhira still have the soulmate connection and that is why Abhi can always feel her around, just like the show! 

Please drop your views on this chapter since its actually very encouraging.

Thanks for reading <33

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