23. Can't Be Without You

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It was 5 o clock in the morning and Abhi quickly woke up. He still felt sleep deprived but he knew he had a lot to do. He looked at his side, his little wife, his Akshu sleeping peacefully. He, very cautiously kissed her cheek and silently thanked God for giving them a second chance.

He got up and checked Akshu's medicines. He knew she won't wake up for sometime and he could do something on getting her back. Quickly he went to Harsh and shared his idea with him. They decorated the hospital and the room where Akshu was sleeping with flowers. 

Akshu woke up at around 10 am. She opened her eyes and the fragrance of fresh flowers lifted her mood instantly. Her eyes started searching for Abhi and she finally saw him entering the room with a bouquet.

"Jaan you okay?" he asked.
"Yes, I woke up just now. Where were you?"
"I just thought to uplift your mood. I know you love these flowers, that's why got the hospital decorated. And here, these beautiful roses for my beautiful wife." He carefully kissed her head.

Akshara just looked at her husband in awe.
"Thankyou love!" she said with tears in her eyes and kissed his knuckles.

Slowly, Akshara tried to get up and set herself in order to talk to him. Abhi helped her with that and arranged a pillow at her back so that she feels comfortable.

"Abhi please come here." she called him with open arms.
"Yes, jaan." he replied and went on to wrap his arms around her little frame, very cautiously.
"Abhi... I'm sorry." she whispered between her little sobs.
"Why Akshu?"
"I didn't listen to you and got myself in trouble." 

She narrated each and every incident that happened after Sandeep kidnapped her and his heart broke on hearing all that. He wanted to protect his wife from everything but he failed, he miserably failed. With a very heavy heart, he whispered "I am sorry too Akshu, I should've never let you go! I just knew all this could've happened."

"No Abhi it was me who was adamant. You tried to warn me so many times but I didn't hear, and looked at my condition now!" She was sobbing uncontrollably now.

"Sshhh!! Its okay. You're okay now. You're with me and nothing can happen to you now." he hugged her again and they laid in each others arms, where they found all their peace.

He looked at her cheeks and recalled how she told Sandeep kept on slapping her, how her head banged with an iron rod and she got such a deep wound. If it was upto him, he would have thrashed him down on the spot. Akshu felt his tears on her face and lifted her eyes to see him crying. She nodded in a no and hugged him even tightly


"Abhi.... how did you get to know where I was?"
"Actually, you know na that I just could not trust that Sandeep, so I asked one of my private helper to keep an eye on you and him. He told me that he saw you fainting in the restaurant and Sandeep took you somewhere in the car. My man was following you guys and I was keeping a track on him. But the moment he reached the location, one of Sandeep's man saw him and knocked him unconcious. Still, I had the location and reached there in sometime.

"Oh!! But Abhi, how I wish I would've never went there only." Akshara said in regret.
"Its okay Akshu. The police wont spare that Sandeep anyways now. Lets call everyone, we have one more little surprise for you."
"Really? What?" Akshara smiled

Abhi called Harsh and soon he came with both Goenka and Birla families. Everyone came and hugged Akshu while she still held Abhi's hand asking him to sit on the bed with her. 

While everyone was still chit chatting, Harsh finally dragged a little trolly inside which was used to serve food to the patients. 

"Come on Akshara, it's time to eat something!" Harsh commanded.
"Noooo! Not this hospital ka khana!" Akshara made a face and they all laughed.
"Look Akshu, you're not well and we have no other option. Just have your food" 
"Abhi... see... I am completely fine now. Let me have some good food. Let me atleast have ghar ka daal chawal if not any spicy food-" she bit her tongue, anticipating a scolding anytime.
"Haan haan, complete it? Spicy food? Akshu you gained conciousness just last night and you are thinking about spicy food?" Abhi scolded her and Akshu again made a face.
" But Abhi......."
"No means no! Have this." 

Abhi gestured Harsh to bring the trolly to them and made Akshara sit. 

"Acha atleast pick up the lid? Maybe you like the food!"

And she agreed. She lifted the lid while still making faces, reluctant to eat anything served to her by the hospital but then suddenly she busted into a smile.

"Abhi this?? Akshu said with a big smile on her face."
"Low fat, low sugar and easy to digest red velvet cake. Okay honestly, it might not just taste like the original once since I made a lot of modifications seeing your health but I know you love this and I also wanted to celebrate your victory over here. You fought a battle for our love and won. I'm so proud of you bacha!" Abhi had a lot of emotions erupting out of him when he spoke that and Akshara just hugged him, with tears in her eyes.
"Thankyou Abhi!!!" she sobbed against his chest.

"Ahem-ahem" went all the Goenka and Birla siblings and the rest of the people laughed. Abhira broke the hug and cut the cake together and fed each other.

Akshara was discharged after 3 days and Abhi took utmost care of her. She used to breathe a little louder and Abhi was infront of her, on his knees. He kept pampering her to no extent and made sure that she gets well soon at the earliest. And it just took one week for Akshara, and all her wounds healed. After all, she had the best doctor at her service all the time.

For Abhi, his Akshu was no responsibility, she was his need. The urge to keep her fine used to come from his heart and he just acted on it. He had already lost her once and this time, he just knew that keeping her away from his heart even for a second would mean the end of his existence. He kept showering her with all the love and she reciprocated in the same way. 

For Akshara, he was her home, her own little happy place. The comfort, the peace that he provided her was unmatched. She felt herself to be blessed and by now she started loving him a little too much. She was so used to him and his ways of pampering her that if he was away for even a second, her heart would feel wounded. But, he never let that happen. From that day, he was there for her, always!

Their love blossomed and the world knew that "abhira" could never be separated again.

So, here's the last chapter guys and this marks the end of the story. I'll post the epilogue very soon. Thankyou so so much for giving your precious time to this book. Honestly, I never expected these many views but now I just feel...blessed. 

With this one, I was just testing the waters to see if I'll be accepted here or not and honestly, what else can I do except for thanking all you guys!

Lots and lots of love to you guys <33

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