12. Birla Hospital

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"Abhi, where are you? We're getting late baba."
"I'm just here sweetheart!" Abhi said as he ran to the door where Akshu was waiting for him.
"If we're late, it's all because of you."
"Sorry na baba, come now-"
Abhi n Akshu moved outside their house. Abhi went towards his dad's car that he took the other day.
"Abhiii!" Akshu called him.
"Yes baby?"
"Please na, take you bike! These car rides are so boring."
"Akshu I would've surely taken it but I don't even know where is it."

"It's here bachas!" Harsh appeared on Abhi's bike.
"Papa? Ohh thankyou so much!! Akshu said and ran towards Harsh.
"Careful!" Abhi shouted as he assumed she'll trip n fall and with a lot of difficulty, she balanced herself.
"Dad i haven't even looked at this bike since long but it seems as if someone has been driving it. Like look at its condition, it's exactly like it was when I left it!"
"Yeah obviously, your dad has been driving it beta."
"No way dad! You know how to drive a bike?"
"Uh- yes. I used to when I was younger but then I felt it was uncomfortable. Now when you left all of us, riding this used to refresh all your memories in my head, that's why-"
Abhi could see tears forming in his dad's eyes and he quickly ran to hug him.
"Sorry papa, I troubled you a lot na. But I don't know, after Akshu left, I felt I had lost my senses." Abhi cried tearfully.

After the emotional conversation, Harsh left for hospital with his driver in the car and abhira were left alone.
"So? Ready Mrs. Birla?"
"Yes Mr. Birla!!"
Abhi strated driving the bike and Akshu hugged him from behind. It was like an obvious thing now. Abhi wouldn't even start driving if his Akshu isn't holding him. They recalled how Abhi made it clear to Akshu the day he felt her getting distracted and on the verge of falling when she was on the bike with him.

Soon they both reached the hospital and Abhi parked his bike. Akshu went ahead, standing at the entrance of the hospital, recalling all the sweet memories that were attached to this place.
Just then her eyes fell on something and she felt as if the world shook.
She looked at the decorations of the hospital and recalled how it was Abhi's birthday two days back and they didn't even celebrate. He himself forgot it probably. Akshu felt like scratching her head. She was with him the whole day and didn't even wish him properly. Obviously their heads were occupied with Ruby's things and it was a matter of life and death but this- this also was very important. Akshara felt extremely guilty.
Soon she felt someone clutching her hands and it brought her out of those thoughts.
"Let's go?" Abhi asked her.
"Hmmm" Akshara could barely reply as she was extremely guilty.
"Abhi do you have any surgeries today?" Akshara asked him as they walked inside.
"Yeah just one surgery lined up. Starts after half an hour. Till then, let's see which cabin has been assigned to you?"
As they moved around the hospital, everyone noticed how Abhi was beaming with pride and happiness. Everyone knew the reason as well. After ages, the gloomy doctor got back his reason to smile.
But everyone could also notice how Akshara looked extremely disturbed. She was smiling and wishing everyone who came their way but something was off.

Anyways, they met Harsh and he took them to her cabin.
"This one!" Harsh said as he opened the door of Akshara's cabin.
"Perfect!" Abhi exclaimed.
"Thankyou papa." Akshu said, smiling generously.
After Harsh left, Abhi took Akshu in his arms, locking his fingers behind her waist. Akshu too snaked her arms around his neck.
"So Mrs Birla, how does it feel?"
"To get this life back?"
"Really you want to know how does it feel?" And Akshu moves closer to his lips. Just then there's a knock on the door.
Abhi gets irritated and decides to punch the face of whoever is standing there.
He goes to open the door and sees doctor Rohan there.
"It's been 3 years and I still hate you the same way." Abhi murmured which Dr. Rohan could not listen.
"Yes doctor?" He finally asked him calmly.
"Dr. Abhimanyu, I'm so happy to see you and Akshara ma'am together after so long. You too definitely make a perfect couple."
Akshara too smiled from behind on listening to this.
"So you came here to tell this?" Abhi faked a smile again.
"Not really! Actually I wanted to invite you both for my anniversary party tonight."
"Ah okay- WAIT WHAT?" Abhi screamed as realisation hits him. "Omg you're married now?" Abhi starts laughing like a madman.
Akshu too comes forward and congratulates him.
"When did you get married Dr. Rohan?" Abhi asked, still smiling and laughing.
"An year ago. I also invited you for the wedding but you weren't in a condition to- so maybe you don't remember.."
"But now you and bhabhi can come na?"
"Oh Dr. Rohan I'm so sorry. Actually we would've loved to come but there are some plans made already. We both will definitely pay you a visit after a few days?" Akshara interrupted all of a sudden.
Abhi glared at her as to ask what plans she's talking about cz they definitely hadn't discussed anything.
"Oh it's completely alright ma'am. But pls do pay a visit some day. My wife would love to meet you."
"Sure..." They both replied together and Rohan went away.

"What plans ma'am? We don't have any plans for tonight na?" Abhi questioned her, still confused.
"Well, we do have!"
"Just something special for you and me. Now go it's the time for your surgery. You'll get to know what I'm talking about once you're back.".
"Okay wifey!" Abhi quickly gives a peck on her cheek and runs for his surgery.

Akshu wanted to make up for spoiling his birthday celebrations by her sudden arrival. Yes, this is how she is! She keeps blaming herself for everyone's mistakes. Even though Abhi asked her not to do it, but this is how she's been moulded since childhood.

Akshu quickly winded up the two music therapy sessions she had and was free in the second half. Abhi was still busy with his surgery.
She decorated the whole of his cabin and ordered all his favorite dishes for him. When she was completely satisfied with everything, she took his shirt from the cupboard there and hugged it tight, waiting patiently for her husband.

Excited for their first date? :))
It'll be steamy for sure cz I haven't written proper romance since long lol

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