11. The Perfect Married Life?

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It was around 5 o clock in the morning. Abhi had a habit of waking up by then and he did, at around 5.15.
"What's wrong with this alarm clock?! I even changed the batteries."
"Hmmm?" he heard someone murmuring.
"Who's here at this time-" and he quickly opened his eyes to see Akshara's arms being wrapped around his chest, her face on his arms and she was still fast asleep.
Reality struck Abhi and he started laughing on his stupidity.
Then he looked at the most beautiful face lying by his side and softly kissed her head.
"My Babyyy!" he exclaimed as he bent down to kiss her nose.
"I'm not a baby. I'm a grown up and now I'm youe wife." Akshara murmured in sleep again. She herself wasn't aware of what she was speaking and he understood it.
"That's for everyone else, but for me you are my baby na?" he teased her again.
"Nooooo" she murmered again and now snuggled more into his chest.
"A little more closer and you'll be on the top of me." Abhi laughed seeing her actions.
"If you don't mind." And she rolled over him.
"Akshuuuuu! Oh my god you're not as light as I thought."
She didn't respond and he realises she has slept again. Maybe it was too early for her. And next to impossible for him to leave the baby lying on his chest and get up to follow his daily routine. He gave in and hugged her back and sleep took over again.
Now it was Akshu who woke up first. She looked at the clock and it was 8 o clock.
"No way!! I should've been at the NGO by now. Arohi why didn't you wake me up-" She cried and tried to get up when she felt a pair of strong muscular arms holding her tight.
Finally she realised she's in her Abhi's room and was sleeping over him- SLEEPING OVER HIM! Akshu suddenly realised her position and quickly moved at the side, though still in his arms.
"Oh god! Abhi I'm so sorry I didn't even realise how-"
"Baby I was loving it." Abhi murmured and he pulled Akshu closer, making her face collide with his chest.
Akshu blushed and tried to get out of his hold.
"Whyyy?" Abhi screamed.
"Because it's my first day and I want to behave like a good daughter in law and help my mother and then get ready for hospital and leave with you and-"
"OKAY FINE!" Abhi screamed to shut her up and she laughed. "But atleast give me a good morning kiss? The way you gave when you came to drop me to the car?"
She recalled how she had pecked his lips and ran away that day.
She moved closer to him again and he closed his eyes. She reached to his lips and just when they were brushing against each other, she very lightly whispered  "I'm getting late darling!" and ran away even before Abhi could comprehend what has happened.
She quickly locked the door of the bathroom and took a shower. Then she started getting ready for her first day at Birla hospital. Abhi too had to take blessings from his mahadev which was a ritual for him. So he took his clothes and went to take shower in the guest room.
When he came back, he saw Akshu struggling with her saree.
"No way! Tell me you still haven't learnt how to wear it?"
"Uh- no!"
"Okay let me help!"
He came forward and then, she looked at him! He was shirtless and just wearing some light pants. She understood he was praying. She blushed and it did not go unnoticed by him.
He bent down and sensuously moved his fingers on her bare waist. She just came out from the bathroom and he could see water dripping of her waist. He blew some air and she shivered at the sensation, holding his shoulders for support. He was loving his effect on her.
But before he could do anything else, Akshara gained some courage and reprimanded him.
"Abhi? Don't you remember what I said? Book a honeymoon suite if you want this!"
"Akshu it's unfair yaar! You broke the moment."
"I think I've made myself clear love?" She smiled.
"Okay okay fine!"
And Abhi helped her wearing the saaree while she kept adoring her husband.

"And it's done!" Abhi said as he puts the last safety pin. She looks at the mirror and smiles.

"Not bad hubby!"
"Your hubby is the best darling!" Abhi said as he back hugged her, slowly kissing her neck.
"You've started with it again?" Akshu laughed and then shrugged him off. 

"Get ready youu! I'm going to help maa."

Akshara came down and straightway went to the kitchen. The sight infront of her left her shocked to the core. Manjiri was frying something and Harsh was standing with a plate, asking her to quickly serve the breakfast as he's extremely hungry. Akshara was already crying at the sight. When she left the house, she could only see her father in law shouting, screaming and scolding her maa for literally nothing. The man who was once a cold hearted, stern man was standing like a cute little young husband pampering his wife like anything.
Akshara thought not to disturb them and quickly went to her room upwards!
"Ah I knew you won't be able to stay without it." Abhi said while looking at the newspaper as he sensed her coming inside the room.
"Abhiiiii! Come with me right now!!!!" She held his hand and dragged him downstairs.
"Akshu slowly, we'll fall down. Where are you taking me."
"Sshhhh!" Akshara kept her fingers on his mouth and they peeped inside the kitchen.
Manjiri was serving Harsh with the kachoris she just made. He instantly grabbed the first one and gave her the first bite, before finally relishing it himself.
Abhi felt he will faint. What did he just see- his father being so soft to his mother? Something he wished to see his entire life! He wanted to run to his parents but Akshara held his hand rightly. "Nooo! Don't you dare break the moment. Let's give them some space." Akshara chided Abhi and they started moving back. Abhi was still not believing the sight infront of him. He turned around to recheck and confirm he wasn't dreaming.
Just then Neil barged inside the kitchen leaving all four of them stunned!
"Kachorisssss!!! Omg y'all are having it without me?" He screamed.
"Atleast knock before you enter somewhere." Harsh said, annoyed.
"Really papa? Where do I knock before coming in the KITCHEN now? And why are you behaving like bhai when he was in the initial days of his marriage. I mean that was still acceptable but you guys are doing this everyday-"
Another shock hit Abhi. Did Neil just say "everyday"?
"Whatever!" Harsh said, marching out with his plate of kachoris when his eyes fell on Abhimanyu and Akshara, who were on the verge of fainting.
"Tell me you did not hear anything." Harsh asked them.
That's when Manjiri too noticed them and she hid her face in embarrassment, then slowly continuing with her work to avoid any discussions.
"Yeah- I mean no- actually Akshara wanted me to-" Abhi tried to speak, still registering what just happened.
Akshara was holding his hand and slightly pinched him, knocking sense back onto him.
"Oh papa, I LOVE YOUUU!" Abhi said as he ran towards Harsh and hugged him.
Both the son and father got emotional and shared a tearful hug, just before Manjiri and Neil joined them.
Akshara was sobbing deeply while capturing the moment in her phone's camera. Soon she was called upon by Manjiri and they all hugged each other, standing like a complete family. A happy family.

Imagine Birlas being this adorable in the show, okay bye!
Okay atleast we can have abhira being this romantic like please??? *sobs*
How was the chapter?
Pls keep the love coming in <33

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