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After 7 years to abhira's marriage (which happened 3 years before their separation),
Birla mansion, 7 am.

"Omg can you both just open your eyes and have a look at the clock? It's 7! Don't you think you're gonna get too late?"
"5 minutes more na?"
"Abhi you used to wake up at 5 earlier as far as I remember." Akshara made a face.
"That was before meeting you na love. Not exactly my fault that you don't let me sleep at night and I eventually get late in morning so-"
"Ahh mom-dad pls even I'm here!" Abhirav peeped out from the blanket to look at his adorable parents quarrelling.
" I know baby, you're here and you have to get ready for school as well. Chalo get up!" Akshara scolded him too.
"5 minutes more mamma!"
"Ahhhhhh!! Like father like son!" And Akshara leaves them to check for Aaira's diapers who was sleeping peacefully in her pram.
"Abhi, you don't even take Aaira on morning walks with me!" Akshara rants while changing her little daughter's diapers.
"I'll go with you from tomorrow onwards pakka!" Abhi comes and back hugs Akshara. She smiled.
"Okay let's see!"
Just then Akshara feels more weight as Abhirav too comes out of the blanket and jumps on Abhi's back. The three of them look at their little princess Aaira. Everyone kisses her one by one.

Just then Akshara recalled how Abhirav was getting late for school and she pushed him to the bathroom accompanied by Abhi. He got him ready for school while Akshu got Aaira freshen up.

After Abhirav went and Aaira was with Neil and Manjiri who spent all their day just playing with them, abhira finally got some time alone.

"Yes Mr. Birla? What are you plans for today?" Akshu asked while arranging the room which was a mess because Abhi and Abhirav were playing with his toys till midnight.

"My plans... umm...the same you know." Abhi said as he moved towards Akshara.
He quickly back hugged her and started kissing her neck. "My plans are just romancing you for the day!"
"Abhi!!!" Akshara started giggling. "You know I feel ticklish by this!"
"But I love it na baby!" Abhi moves towards her shoulders and moves her straps to give deep kisses .
"Abhiiiiiii!" And Akshara finally finds some courage to move forward. She turned around and saw Abhi faking sadness. Well, he was looking extremely cute to her anyways.

Quickly she wrapped her hands around his neck and whispered "Thankyou Abhi, thankyou for the life that you gave to me. I truly, truly feel blessed!"

Abhi instantly smiled. "Thanks to you Akshu. You gave me the biggest happiness ever by bringing Abhirav and Aaira to our lives. You three are literally my whole world."

"And you three are mine....! Abhi, I feel so complete right now. My only dream of having a happy family with you got fulfilled now. We have our two adorable  healthy kids and our love is still as pure and passionate as it used to be. I mean I really can't imagine a better life than this." Akshara smiled brightly.

Abhi said nothing but felt his eyes were moist too. He moved forward and touched his nose with hers. Akshara leaned even forward and kissed him. They kissed to rejoice the moment, they kissed to keep each other close, they kissed to show how grateful they were to each other for the life they had.

That's it, from then abhira lived happily ever after. It's not that they faced no obstacles, but they were together to fight them all away. They turned out to be a couple that everyone would always keep in their memories.

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