20. Rocky Relationships

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It was 5.30 in evening. Abhimanyu was waiting for Akshara in the hospital. Her music therapy session was from 6 o clock and he expected her to come earlier, for him. He waited for 10 more minutes and then went out to check. 

What he saw next boiled is blood! He saw Sandeep standing on the door of Birla hospital, laughing and chatting with Akshara. That's it! That was his breaking point. He even tolerated this man in the house being so close to his wife but not in his hospital. There was no reason for him to be here. 

He started moving towards them and Akshara sensed him. She looked towards him and could see rage and jealousy clearly written on his face. Before Abhi could reach them, she smiled to Sandy and asked him to go now and she'll reach wherever he asked her to come. Sandy nodded and went, without noticing Abhimanyu since he was facing his back.

As soon as he left, Abhimanyu held Akshara's hand and pulled her inside the store room next to the door. He pinned her to a wall and came dangerously close. He gritted near her ears "why was he here?"

"Voh... accc...tually hee.... wanttt....edd me... to..." Akshara stammered on feeling the proximity and Abhimanyu burning.

"Yeah yeah, continue." He said as he ran his nose through her hair, trying to keep her as close as he can, so that she would never be able to go away from him.

Akshara could feel the sexual tension in the air and held his shirt tightly. Abhimanyu realised how he was affecting her but didn't care anymore. He touched his forehead with hers and kept their lips inches apart, leaving her gasping. 

"Hewantsmetocomeatthengoreunion" she said in one breath.

Abhimanyu caught one or two words, "ngo, reunion, what?"

"Abhi, Sandy wants me to come at the ngo reunion." she said a litle calmly this time!

"Oh! Firstly, stop calling him Sandy! His name is uh- Sandeep I guess?"

"Yaa, but all his close friends call him Sandy so-"

"So you're close to him?" Abhimanyu widened his eyes.

Akshara laughed. She then pulled Abhi for closer and kissed him passionately. Abhimanyu too held her face and deepened the kiss even more. They both were lost so lost in each that they forgot where they were. Akshu kept pushing him towards the wall so that she could even get some support. Suddenly, Abhi's leg hits a stand and a box of medicines fell in the storeroom and they parted. Abhi too chuckled this time. "If this is how you're gonna prove whom you're closest too, I won't mind troubling you everytime." 

Akshu was still panting heavily and then looked up to him. "Shut up youu! Why do I even have to do this everytime?" 

"Because I love you and I love teasing you too and I enjoy a little too much when you do this to me." They both laughed at this.

"Okay listen!" Akshu recalled something. "We got distracted and forgot to talk about the main thing. Actually Sandy...uhh... I mean Sandeep told you about my friends Sakshi and Amayra na? Actually they all are in Udaipur. Sandy..eep told me we're meeting at the Ambrai restaurant. Can I... go?"

"Ambrai? Thats really far Akshu!"

"Yeah but I'm not a kid Abhi, I can go. And I really really want to meet my friends. You know when we met here, I didn't even go back or inform them properly once. They've taken care of me all these years so I owe them this much I guess?"

"But Akshu! I don't get good vibes from Sandeep! How can I trust him?"

"Abhi, its just your jealousy. And I don't mind it bcz I know you were always over protective about me." Akshu giggled, but Abhi retained the seriousness on his face.

"No Akshu! Its not like that. I trust you but I just don't trust him. They way he looks at you- i dont know I find something fishy!" Abhi sounded serious.

"But Abhi... I know him from years, he's a good guy."

"So you're trying to say that I'm wrong in my judgement?" Abhi moved back now.

"No jaan!" Akshu cupped his face. "I just want to say-"

Abhi shrugged her hands. "Say what?"

Akshu again held his hands and he shrugged them off again, a little harshly.

Now this irritated Akshu. When he's angry he doesn't even listen to others, he doesn't even process what anyone's saying.

"Abhi, we know each other since long and all my other friends are there too. I understand your protectiveness but not your over-possessiveness! I just came to inform you but I never thought you'll stop me from meeting my friends." Akshu raised her voice this time.

Abhi understood its going in the wrong direction. "Akshu, I'm just saying it for your safety."

"I'm not a kid Abhi? I can take care of myself" Akshu was getting hurt now. She started to think he doesn't trust her and this is not good for their relation. She only loved him and he just knows it, then why is he behaving so weirdly?

"Akshu when someone looks at my wife in a wrong way, I just understand it, that is why-"

"Abhi I know but for one last time, trust me on this?" Akshu almost pleaded. She was actually dying to see Sakshi and Amayra. They were just like her sisters. They held her when she was not stable and gave her strength. They worked day and night with her and established the NGO. She owed them this. 

Abhi looked into her eyes and melted. He knew this could be wrong but he couldn't deny anymore. She was pleading and he just can't see her like that. He cupped her face and murmured an "okay!" Akshara was elated and she quickly hugged Abhi. But he just couldn't hug her back. He was still thinking about all this incidents since morning.

"Akshu.." he said while still hugging her.

"I still don't trust him. Can I come with you?" he asked, hesitatingly this time.

"Of course you can. But I don't think you all will be really comfortable with each other." Akshu knew she was reasonable and said it in one go. 

"Okay but can I drop you atleast?" he asked again.

"Ofcourse Abhi!" she smiled.

"When do you have to go?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" It was now that Abhi hugged her back, a little relieved.

And they spent rest of their day working at the hospital, chit chatting about things whenever they met and then finally came back home. They had the dinner with their family and then went to their room.

Akshara switched off the lights and sled down to sleep. Abhi was already in the bed and pulled her in his arms, hugging her tightly. She looked at him and kissed his head softly. Till here it was normal coz this is how they slept everyday but then Abhi suddenly made his grip tighter. He nuzzled his face in her neck and she could feel something wasn't right with him.

"Abhi...." she caressed his head. "Baby, what happened?" she was still caressing his hair.

"Something doesn't feel right Akshu! We had a fight and then you'll go away from he tomorrow-"

Akshara interrupted. "Abhi... I'm just going away for few hours and you're talking as if I'll leave you forever!" Akshara laughed.

"Shut up Akshu! Don't talk like that." he chided her and then wrapped himself completely around her body.

This time she understood he's feeling very uncomfortable right now.

"What do you want baby?" she asked, still caressing and kissing him on the head


"I'm always yours love."

"I want more of you, right now!"

She understood and surrendered to him, while he kept making love to her for sometime.

Major drama ahead is all that I want to say! Also, the story is heading towards is conclusion. 

Please drop your views on the chapter.

Thanks for your love <33

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