21. Revelations and Regret

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Trigger Warning: mention of sexual assault, blood and death.

Next morning Abhi drove Akshara to the hotel where Sandeep had called them for the reunion. As soon as Akshara got down from the car, Sandeep reached out to them. He shook hands with Abhimanyu and he faked a smile in return. He then asked for Akshara's hands but she looked at Abhi and just smiled back. He took his hands back, understanding the situation. 

"Okay Akshu! So bid a farewell to your husband. Sakshi and Amayra are waiting for you." Sandeep told.
"Bye baby, take care of yourself!" Akshara smiled to Abhi.
Abhi smiled back and just took Akshu in his arms, making Sandeep clench his fists again.
"Bye." he said and Akshu could feel discomfort in his voice.
"I'll miss you." he quickly added.
"Abhi I'll be back in a few hours, let me go please? My girls are waiting for me." she whispered softly.

Abhi then left her and cupped her face. For some reason he was still feeling uncomfortable and his heart was not ready to leave her with that Sandeep. But he knew they already had an argument about it and he needs to trust her wife. So, he finally gives her a kiss on forehead and then went back to the car whereas Akshara went inside the hotel with Sandeep.


"Sandy where are Amayra and Sakshi?" she asked as she got excited on the entrance.
"Yeah they'll be coming soon." Sandeep said while his eyes were searching for someone.
"But you just told they're waiting for me inside." Akshara recalled

Sandeep bit his tongue and realised he has messed up. "Uh- actually they were here but I think Sakshi got a call and Amayra... I think she's in the washroom."

For some reason even Akshara started feeling weird now. The vibe was not good. Plus Abhi's words kept ringing in her head. Was she safe? Was everything normal? She kept asking herself before a waiter came with cold drinks for them. 

Akshara was already feeling thirsty because of the tensions going on in her head and instantly grabbed one, drinking it in one go. Within seconds, she started feeling dizzy and next she when she woke up, she found herself in a dark place. 

Her hands and legs were tied and cloth was stuffed in her mouth. She looked around but could see nothing due to darkness. She started trembling. She just knew her Abhi was right. She's in a mess now. Sandeep wasn't a good person ever.

Just then a few emergency lights were turned on and she could see the shadow of a man approaching towards her from behind. He came infront of her and it turns out to be none other than- Sandy!

He went dangerously close to Akshara and took out the cloth from her mouth.

"Aww Akshu darling? Wanna say some last words before completely surrendering to me?"
"Surrendering to you? My foot. Never in my life!! I should've got it when Abhi was asking me not to come with you. I never thought you'll turn out to be such a-" and Sandeep slapped her.

"Shut up you!! Do you have any idea how obsessed I was with you when we were together in Delhi? I waited for three years and then you suddenly disappeared, for whom? The annoying ass of the boring doctor? uh- what was his name? Yeah Abhimanyu"

"DON'T YOU DARE TAKE MY HUSBAND'S NAME FROM YOUR DIRTY MOUTH!" Akshara screamed at the top of her voice.

"Shup you you bitch!" Sandeep moved forward and squeezed her chin. "So let me continue. Yeah so you betrayed me and I decided to reach back to you. Obviously the only person I had contact of was Arohi. I called her that day and looked very upset. And in all stupidity that dumbass blurted Ruby's truth to me. Then, I just joined hands with her since all she wanted was Abhimanyu and all I wanted was YOU!" he left her chin and moved back, giving a scary laugh.

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