3. Met After 3 Years

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Akshara and Arohi had entered the hospital, covering their faces with scarfs. They were able to escape from everyone's eyes and finally reached the campus. Akshara could sense Abhimanyu and started moving towards his cabin, rather unconsciously. Arohi was coming behind her but a sudden rush of guests who were carrying tons of gifts separated the two sisters. Akshara was pushed forward with the crowd whereas Arohi was left behind. She heard how everyone was talking about Abhimanyu's birthday celebration and getting excited. She thought that eventually Abhi will also come to the place where they are going and she can even hide herself amidst the crowd. So, she followed them and eventually hid behind some decorations and curtains. 

After a few minutes, she felt her heartbeat raising again and like a cool breeze he entered, providing relief to her otherwise burning heart. She saw him. She actually saw him. After 3 damn years she was so close to her Abhi. She wanted to run out of there and jump in his arms but some horrid flashbacks kept her feet glued to the ground. She was smiling, she was laughing, she was crying, all at the same time! What she was feeling can simply not be explained in words. 

After witnessing him cutting his cake, she saw him moving towards her. Her heart was soaring but her mind reminded her of something and she grew worried. She wanted to run away from there but again there was no way to escape. He came nearer. He could see a petite figure standing behind the curtains. His heart had already declared it was Akshara, his Akshara.

"Jaan" he whispered, so slowly that only she and her heart could hear. She felt goosebumps, just hearing to his voice calling out for her. She clenched her fists preparing herself for whatever is coming up next. 

"Jaan, I know its you! You came back na? You came back for me? Oh my god! I- I can't even believe! I always knew we'll meet again. I always had that hope in my heart and see, you're here, infront of me." he said while sobbing deeply. He wiped his tears real quick as he wanted to face her with just a smile on his face and love in his heart. 

Very slowly, and carefully he removed the curtains and held his breath as he saw her standing, eyes closed, fists clenched, tears streaming down her face, the face which he could read within seconds. She was happy, she was afraid! He knew something is still not right but his heart did not let his mind think anymore and he pulled her, so close to him. He could smell her fragrance, of which he lost contact years ago. Ah she still smelt the same. Her eyes were still closed, his pull caused some of her hair fall on her face which he very very carefully tucked behind the ears. The whole crowd was watching all this but no one dared to utter a word. The ones who knew about their past were shedding tears listening to Abhimanyu.

But for Abhimanyu, no one except his Akshara existed in that room. He pulled her closer and just, hugged her. He held her so close and so tightly as if would never let her escape. She felt her face against his chest and her tears turned his shirt moist. They both were at peace, inhaling each other's scent, crying their hearts out. Akshara unconsciously hugged him back, now her face completely resting on his chest. She lost control over herself and he was holding her in the tightest grip possible. Few minutes, the world stopped and they stayed like that, until a realisation hit her.

"No! This was not supposed to happen! Her fears cannot come true! She cannot feel weak. She has maintained the distance since 3 years and now she cannot- no- NO NO NO!" she said to herself and with great difficulty pushed him away.

"Don't! Please don't!" she wanted to shout but it turned out to be barely a whisper. His hands were still on his waist. He was trying to process her two different reactions to the situation. 

"Akshu? You can't be doing this to me? I waited for you since forever and now that I've got you-" he tried to go close again but she jerked him again.

"Please do not misunderstand me Dr. Abhimanyu. I am not here to look after your needs. I am here because my sister- my sister Arohi needed an urgent treatment right now. She...she was having continuous vomittings after our flight and this was the nearest hospital right now." she said coldly breaking his heart into pieces again.

"Akshu!" he said very softly again this time with a sad laughter. "Do you want to say you aren't here, in my hospital, in the room where my birthday was being celebrated for me but because your sister had some problems?"

"Yes Dr. Birla, how many more times do I have to say this so that your brain could register it? I came here because the crowd pushed me in and there was no way I could come out and face you but look at my evil fate, it made me face you again." she spoke faking regret.

Just then she looked up and the reaction on his face broke her to the core. She felt she'll break down infront of him if she looked at him even for another second. 

And he? He felt like the world slipped from below his feat, yet again! A minute ago, he was feeling he won everything in life, when she was in his arms and they were crying their hearts out but now? She just declared she is not even here for him. 

After gathering himself again, he dared to ask "then why did you just surrender to me? why did you reciprocate my hug? why did it take time for you to push me back?" he spoke with tears continuously flowing down his eyes. 

Her hand rose a little because her heart wanted to wipe those tears. They were breaking her but again, something was going in the back of her head that she had to hold back. 

"It was a weak moment." she finally declared and unable to take the pain radiated by his eyes anymore, she ran out of the door. 

Abhimanyu felt as if he lost everything in just that second. He fell on the ground with his hands on his heart. It was paining, it was paining very bad and its relief? She just rejected him and went away, yet again. He felt as if history was repeating itlself. He felt miserable. He felt heartbroken. He saw her pretty figure fading away infront of his eyes. 

Suddenly, everyone in the room was brought back to reality. Harsh and Manjiri rushed to sit on the ground and held their son. He was unable to react. Manjiri kept his head on her lap and within a second, he felt unconscious.

"Oh my god!! Rohan! Dr. Rohan! Please ask someone to bring the stretcher and take Abhimanyu to a ward." Harsh shouted immediately and Abhimanyu was shifted to the ward.

Okay so abhira finally met! Was it painful? Well atleast it was supposed to be. I will reveal their past slowly and gradually so please keep patience :)

Also, please don't forget to drop your feedback. Atleast tell me if the emotions that I was trying to convey reached you?

Thanks for reading <33

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