19. Who's He?

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Two weeks later:

Manjiri was completely fine now. Everyone was sitting on the dining table. Akshara served them breakfast. She made aloo parathas for everyone and some special onion parathas for Abhimanyu and Harsh since they liked it more.

After serving everyone, she sat on the empty chair next to Abhimanyu and he made her eat from his own plate. This was their thing now. She never served her breakfast in a separate plate but used to eat with Abhi, rather he loved feeding her by his own hands. Everyone else in the house were always in awe of the blossoming love of the beautiful couple.

The family chit chatted while having their breakfast and abhira fed each other too. Soon, everything was done and the senior Birlas along with Abhi got ready to go for the hospital. Akshu had her sessions later in the evening so she stayed back. Abhi quickly planted a soft kiss on her forehead and started moving out of the gate when he heard someone calling out Akshara's name from outside the door.

The senior Birlas stayed back while Abhimanyu went to open the door, with Akshara following him. As soon as the door opened, a guy entered the house with the speed of a bullet train and hugged Akshara tight. Everytime happened so quickly that Akshara couldn't even see his face.

On the other hand Abhimanyu's blood boiled with anger and jealousy. A random man breaking into his house and hugging his wife that too infront of his eyes. This was too much for him to take. He went and he the guy by his calling, pulling him back.

"Who the hell are you?" He screamed, with his collar still in his hand.

"Akshuu!! Save me. Look what this man is doing to me!" The guy cried.

"OMG SANDY YOUUU??" Akshara almost screamed.

Abhimanyu looked at his wife and then at the guy who was still hanging by his collar. He felt they both knew each other, rather Akshara was beyond happy seeing him. He released- uh what name she told him? Yeah Sandy! He released Sandy and stood there, trying to understand what's happening.

As soon as he left him, he again went and hugged Akshara and much to his irritation, she reciprocated. He felt like dragging the man back to his place but then thought that was unreasonable.

"Abhi, meet Sandy, uh I mean Sandeep. He's a really good friend of mine. We met in Delhi and he used to help me run the NGO there!" Akshara tried to introduce him.

Abhimanyu, still burning with jealousy shook hands with him, rather vigorously but that was an unconscious action.

But Sandeep didn't mind since he was too elated to meet his dear friend after so long.

The senior Birlas were getting late so they left after meeting and greeting Sandeep. Whereas Abhi wanted to stay back to see what the new guy has to talk with Akshara and till when was he staying with her.

"Abhi, beta aren't you coming with us?" Harsh asked from the door.
"I'll join you in sometime dad. It's not good to leave my wife's guest here like that, plus I don't even have any surgeries today.
"As you wish!" Harsh replied and left along with Anand and Mahima.

"So? Why did you leave us all of a sudden? Sandeep said as he got up from the sofa and kneeled infront of Akshara."

Abhimanyu was losing it seeing his actions. "Hey man, get up please? You can sit on the sofa next to her!"
"Umm.. actually no! You know Abhimanyu, when we were in Delhi, Akshu used to make all of us sit on mats infront of her and give instructions, so I kind of have a habit of this!" He chuckled.
Abhimanyu clenched his fists but faked a smile and then went to the dining table, fetching himself a glass of water.

"You didn't reply Akshu?" Sandeep repeated but she was lost in her husband, trying to understand why he's behaving weirdly.
"AKSHUUU!" Sandeep almost screamed and this time she looked at him.
"Yeah what were you saying?" she asked.
" I was asking you did you leave us all of a sudden! You know how much we missed you? Sakshi started crying when she got to know, and Amayra she toh said she won't talk to you ever for betraying her like that!"
Akshu chuckled "and what about you?"
"Me? I too cried a little but then I knew we'll meet soon and look, I found you!"

"Well obviously, she's the wife of Dr. Abhimanyu Birla. You don't have to work hard to find her! Almost everyone knows her here." Abhimanyu declared, extremely affected by the fact that there was another guy apart from him who cried for his wife. "Stop Abhi stop! What rubbish are you even thinking?" His inner conscience warned him but he wasn't getting good vibes from Sandeep anyway.

Akshara was sure now. Her man was burning with jealousy and she was lowkey enjoying it. But she this may go severe and in a wrong direction. So she quickly went up and held his hand, and spoke while looking in his eyes. "He, he was the reason Sandy! My Abhi, my husband, my whole world. I got him back, and there's no way I can leave him or stay without him anymore." She said with her eyes twinkling and this instantly brought a smile on Abhimanyu's face. He lightly brushed his nose against hers while Sandeep fumed in anger.

He was holding a glass in her hand in which he was served some cold drinks and he instantly threw it. Everyone's attention got diverted to him and Akshara ran back, asking if he's alright. Abhimanyu too got concerned but more than that he found the man fishy. Very, very fishy!

After having some snacks, Sandeep got up to leave.
"You could've stayed for longer Sandy." Akshara asked out of courtesy and Abhimanyu shot her a glare.
"I'll come again, some other day!" He smiled.
She nodded as he left.

"I'm also getting late!" Abhimanyu said without looking at anyone and started moving out the gate.
"Abhi wait!" Akshu exclaimed.
Everybody else left the place to give them their privacy.

Akshu held his hand and pulled him closer, encircling her hands around his neck.
"Akshu, baby what are you doing?" Abhi asked calmly and with a smile which was almost fake.
"You were jealous na?" Akshu giggled.
"Jealous and me? Why do you think so?" Abhimanyu tried to act normal and Akshara laughed again.
"Okay hold me back atleast!" She looked at him with innocent eyes and he melted.
He held her by the waist and pulled her very close. She gasped at the sudden movement but was used to it now.
"I know you were jealous!" She said, almost against his lips, testing his patience.
"No I'm pretty sure I was not!" He whispered, being extremely affected by her proximity.
"How sure?" She brushed her lips against his.
That's it! He couldn't take it anymore. He smashed his lips on hers and kissed her with all the passion he had. He was kissing to prove the world that she's his and no one else could ever come close. She understood and very honestly, she was loving it. She kissed him back with the same intensity as if to prove that he was right in whatever he was thinking, she's only "his"!
When they parted due to lack of air, he gently rubbed her sore lips with his thumb, since he kept on sucking on them for long. She looked down and smiled at his possesiveness. He too smiled and then hugged her while she hid herself in his chest

"Yes I was jealous! Very, very jealous! Because you just belong to me and no one else can come near!"
"Yes Abhi, I'm only yours!" she spoke against his chest and he smiled. They stayed like that for some time before Akshu reminded him, "Abhi, we're standing on the entrance of Birla house and you should probably leave for hospital now? I'll join in evening."

He finally broke the hug and looked into her eyes once again. He kissed her eyes and the forehead again as if to reassure himself, "she belongs to him, just HIM!" and then finally left.

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