9. Recovery

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Akshara slept for some time and luckily did not have any bad dream. All this while she was holding Abhimanyu who was lying by her side which made her feel comfortable. 

She did not open her eyes and just asked "Abhi, whatever happened was right? Am I thinking too much? Did Ruby deserve this?"

"Ah you're still thinking about all that? Bacha it was not our fault in whatever happened na? She herself is responsible for what happened with her."

"Hmmm" Akshara murmured.

"Akshu see whole of your family is waiting outside. And they were so worried for you. You should spend some time with them now,"

"Abhi, when will you take us to our home?" 

"Akshu..." Abhi sighed, getting teary eyed. He instantly cupped her cheeks. "Whenever you're ready for it Akshu. I'll take you with me."

"Tomorrow? Can we go tomorrow?" 

"Yes Akshu we can, and we will!" Abhi tearfully hugged Akshu. 

Just then, there was a knock on the door and they separated. 

"Aaru its you? Please come inside" Akshu said.

Arohi walked in and went on to hug Akshu.

"How're you now?"


"So, will you both come down for lunch or need some more alone time?"

Abhi and Akshu blushed while they followed Arohi downstairs.


On the dining table, Akshu informed their family about her desire to go back to Abhi's house and restart her married life. Everyone was happy for them.

"Akshu yaar, you just came back to Udaipur and straightaway going to Abhi's house now? You don't love us anymore na?" Vansh chided.

"Arey bhaiya-" Akshu blushed.

"Arey don't tease my little sister. Abhi and Akshu haven't even talked to each other since years. Y'all don't be selfish to keep them separated anymore." Arohi teased.

"Exactly, and otherwise too Akshu will keep visiting us na?" Kairav continued.

"Well I am not sure about it coz once she goes with Abhimanyu-" Arohi was continuing to tease them when Akshu interrupted.

"Arohi, aren't you speaking too much? I will keep visiting you guys. But I think it'll be right only if I go and stay with Abhi and his family right now. Haina Abhi?" she said while looking at him, smiling.

"Yaaa...." Abhi was still trying to process all that was happening with him. His Akshara was coming back to live with him. He'll have her around all the time. When they got married, it was just for 15 days that they stayed together. All those 15 days were spent in family drama, hospital chaos, job issues and other problems. They still had not started with their married life. 

"Abhiii! Where are you lost?" Akshara asked again.

"Uh- nothing. Okay so you take rest and let me do all the preparations for your welcome? I'm sure maa and sir.. I mean dad will be so happy to see you back."

"Dad?" Akshara was confused since he never addresses his father like that.

"Oh Akshu! You don't know na? A lot changed after you left. Mom and dad are on good terms now. They have also normalized their relationship and are living like a happy couple."

"Omg really?" Akshu was shocked. "I can't wait to see them together."

"Just one more day my love, then we'll all stay together." Abhi whispered to Akshu as he held her hand softly.

"Awwwww" went the whole family. Abhi and Akshu forgot about them being around. 

They all laughed and Akshu went with Abhi to drop him till the gate.


"Abhi, leave me na? Someone will come."  

"I don't care."

"Abhi I am anyways coming to stay with you from tomorrow."

"I'd like to concentrate on today." Abhi said while caressing her hair and still hugging her tight.

Akshu surrendered and let him hold her for another 5 minutes.

"Akshu, beta you didn't come yet? Is everything okay?" Akshu heard her badi maa calling.

"See, now my whole family will come out and we will stand embarrassed." Akshu again reminded Abhi.

Not that he cared about that but he left her. "Okay fine! I'm going. Miss me please."

"That goes without saying baby." Akshu quickly pecked his lips and ran inside.

Abhi stood their stunned. Was it their first kiss? Not a proper kiss though but whatever it was...she initiated it and he was left shocked. Abhi started blushing and laughing like a madman before finally sitting in his car and driving back home. 


Birla House :-

"Bhai are you serious? Bhabhi herself said she wants to come and live with us? OH MY GOD! We don't even have much time. Lets prepare everything for her arrival." Neil held Nishitha and Parth's hand and ran around the house looking for decorations.

"Abhi beta this is such a good news. Akshara coming back will light up the whole house once again." Harsh exclaimed.

"But beta, Swarna ji told me that Akshara's condition was not good after witnessing Ruby's accident. Is she comfortable in coming here right now? I mean you can tell her that she can take her time and-"

"Maa she herself said she wants to stay with me- I mean she wants to stay with us in Birla house from tomorrow."

"Really? It's such a good news then. Let me do all the preparations then. We will do her grihapravesh once again." Manjiri beamed with happiness.


Goenka House :-

"Enough na Aaru. Till when will you keep troubling me?" Akshara blushed again.

"Oh really? I'm troubling you? You can't even hide your blush everytime I take jiju's name. This is not how trouble looks like!"

"Oh whatever!" Akshu blushes even hard and gets up from the bed to stand infront of the dressing table. She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles.

"Abhi, when you'll see me tomorrow, you won't even be able to blink. After so long, I'll get ready for you." Akshara says and buries her face in her hands, blushing.

"He can anyways not blink when he sees you, like even if you go and stand in a freakin night suit-" Arohi teases again.

"I won't leave you this time." Akshara says and runs behind Arohi.


Eventually, the day ends with both Abhi and Akshu preparing for their meet up tomorrow. Finally they both sleep, excited about their upcoming life together.

How was the chapter????

Akshara's new life with her husband to begin from now on :)

Thanks for reading <33

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