5. Reconciliation

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Abhi came out of the hospital and sensed that his Akshu is still there. Following his heart, he reached towards the parking lot and saw Akshu lying on Arohi's lap while the two sisters were on the ground. Akshu had no expression on her face. Her eyes were closed and face was completely blank. He could feel that her tears have dried up. Atleast now, he could understand what she has also went through.

He ran down to them and straightaway tried to take Akshu in his lap. Arohi shot him a look but then melted when she looked in his eyes. He was literally pleading. Arohi thought that their love should be given a chance and they should be allowed to face whatever consequences their togetherness can cause. It'll atleast be better than dying everyday. Carefully she placed Akshu's head in his lap and went away to stand at a distance, so that she doesn't cause any interference in their conversation and even be present around in case things go out of hand.

Abhi lightly stroked Akshu's hair and she smiled with her eyes closed. He saw the spots of dried tears and bent down to kiss them. Akshu felt as if someone was applying ointment on all her wounds. She held him tightly and completely snuggled into his arms. Abhi smiled and tightened his grip on her.

After staying like that for few minutes, Abhimanyu remembered about the whole Ruby incident and how she just went out in search of Akshu, to harm her. 

He knew it wasn't the right moment but he had no other option. He slowly whispered in her ears "jaan, we're not safe right now! I think we, oh especially "you" need to hide somewhere.

His voice brought Akshara back to her senses and she immediately jerked Abhimanyu off. Oh why does this happen to her every time? Every time he come so close to her, she forgets everything and surrenders to him. But no, his life was more important to her. She had no idea where's Ruby and what's going on in her head recently. And if she sees her with Abhi like that, she might just- no no no!

All these thoughts were going on in Akshara's head and she rose up looking out for her sister Arohi, so that they leave together.

Abhi went behind her and quickly held her hand. He pulled her and she twirled to finally land in his arms, yet again.

"Abhi, please let me go. I'm saying this for our betterment. If you're gonna hold me back, you'll regret it afterwards." Akshara tried to make Abhi understand but it was of no use. His thoughts were clear now.

"Nahi jaan, I can never regret holding you back." Abhi said while looking in her eyes with utmost love and confidence that she fell weak.

"Abhi, but you do not know why-" 

"I know everything Akshu!"

"What? How-"

"Just now, maa told me everything in the hospital."

Akshara looked down, unable to meet eyes with him anymore. She did not know how will he react. Will he scold her?

"Akshu, we'll talk about all this later. Right now, the most important thing is saving you from that witch Ruby."

"Saving me?"

"Yes. Akshu I'm so sorry, she was trying to impress me again and mistakenly I told her that you're back and how she stands no chance." Abhimanyu said while looking down. "Akshu how can I be so dumb I-"

"Sshhh!" Akshu said while instantly cupping his face. "It's not your fault Abhi. I know what you meant by that. See your Akshu is standing infront of you na? And we're safe! If we could not achieve anything by separating for all these years, we can at least do it when we're together? Now, whatever the consequences are, we'll face them together!"

Abhi looked at her with tears in his eyes and went on to give her the tightest hug possible.

"Finally Akshu finally! Finally I got you back!! Akshu? Pinch me please? This can all be a dream too. A dream which I've been watching all these years."

"It's not a dream Abhi, I'm with you, we're facing this together." Akshu said with a smile on her face as she separated a little to look into his eyes and then kissed his forehead. 

Arohi saw all this from a distance and was shedding happy tears as well. She ran to them and gave them both a tight hug.

"I'm not asking what happened or what's gonna happen next, but I feel so happy seeing you both together like this. My sister and my jiju deserve all the happiness in the world" she sobbed while still hugging them.

"Arohi, we need your help." Abhi said slowly and Arohi broke the hug to look into their eyes.

"Anything for you guys." she replied.


 Kairav checks his phone to see a message from Abhimanyu. There was an address and he was asked to come there. Just below that message there was a photograph and Kairav opened it to see a selfie of his sister and Abhimanyu where she was completely engulfed in one of his arms and he was looking at the camera smiling. Kairav squealed with happiness and said a "thu thu thu" on seeing his favourite couple together after so long. But then he remembered all that had happened in the past.

"How can Akshara go back to him after all that? Are they safe? Well they look happy atleast!" Thinking all this he left his house in his car, being unable to notice Ruby who marched into their house shouting Akshara's name.

The favourite chapter of yours till date? Ikr mine too. Well idk I thought of continuing this angst for longer but then even the show is showing trash drama so their reconciliation looked better. Well since angst is everyone's fav genre, I'll add it later on.

Anyways how was this chapter? What do you think will abhira, kairav and arohi plan?

Thankyou for all the love <33

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