15. Uncontrollable Desires

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Warning: Intimate scenes (18+)

Abhira caught their early morning flighted and reached Paris at around 11 in night.

There was only one thing going in both their heads, completing what was left incomplete in the cabin. It was just two of them at their best honeymoon location- Paris!! They kept thanking their parents for giving them such a big, big surprise.

Abhi's desire of making love to her was increasing with every second. He felt as if he was losing control on himself. Each second was painful for him now. 

Akshara, though remained inexpressive but a similar fire was ignited in her soul as well.

They took the car to go to their hotel and Abhi was holding her hand very tightly. Their hearts were beating fast, unable to control their excitement for whats coming up next.

Soon, they reached the hotel. Abhi quickly put on the "Do Not Disturb" board outside and bolted the door. Without even wasting a second, he cupped Akshara's face and asked for permission? She nodded in a "yes" and he instantly crashed his lips on hers.

"Aah Akshu, I've been waiting for this since forever. I won't be able to control today. Please tell me if things become unbearable for you." he moaned inside her mouth. "I love you Akshu, I love you a lot!!"
"I love you too baby!" Akshara could tell how desperate he was. His voice was loaded with desire and she was loving it. 

He licked her lips to insert his tongue in her mouth and she allowed. Soon she felt him sucking out everything off her mouth and decided to counter attack. Soon their tongues were fighting for dominance. 

"Aaah you taste incredible baby." Akshara moaned.

"Not as good as you." Abhi said as he started sucking her lower lips.

"Aaahh...baby... what are you doing" Akshara moaned again, unable to take his attacks.

"I told you, tell me to stop when it gets too much na." Abhi slowed down.

"You think I can ever get enough of you making love to me?" It was Akshara's trick to regain control. She started nibbling on his upper lips, biting and sucking them just the way he did.

She lifted up his face and moved down to his neck, giving a love bite and then sucking to soothe it as well.

"Not bad wifey." Abhi moaned as held her by waist. Slowly his hands travelled inside her top and reached her breasts. She was wearing a lace bra and he could feel her nipples from above it. He started rubbing them and she let out a small moan but continued sucking on his neck and jawline.

But when he started rubbing it faster and kept pressing her breasts in between, Akshara stopped. Now, even she wanted to touch him. Quickly she unbuttoned his shirt. She wanted to throw it off but his hands were fixed on her breasts.

"Abhii...let me-" Akshara whispered.

"Let you what?" Abhi said leaning towards her neck and sucking her flesh, his hands still squeezing her breasts.



And he left her breasts after squeezing them tightly for one last time which made her moan madly.

Quickly she threw off his shirt and he too removed her top. 

"Okay now this is driving me crazy." Abhi said with his eyes fixed on her slightly exposed nipples.

Akshara tried to remove the bra which was acting as a barrier for him but he stopped her and held both her hands behind her back. 

"Let me-" he said and straightaway crashed his teeth on her bra strap, tearing it off within seconds. Soon the bra dropped and Abhi gasped at the sight infront of him. 

Without wasting a second he left her hands and crashed his mouth over her breats sucking and squeezing them hard. She held his face and pushed him towards her chest harder. She had never felt this pleasure before. He was licking, kissing and sucking everything out of her nipples and she never wanted him to stop.

"You're so good Abhi!! I...aahh...I love it!"

"Really?" Abhi said with her nipples between his teeth and finally gave a last bite.

"Aaaaahhhhh" she moaned at her loudest voice.

Soon he left her breasts and was about to move towards the south but she stopped him. 

"Wait!" she exclaimed and went down to open his belt, his zip and finally threw off his pants. She caressed his manhood and felt it was large. All this while Abhi's eyes were closed and he was shuddering at her touches.

In the next second, she threw away his boxers and started stroking his dick.

"Ahh Akshu what are you doing?" Abhi moaned as he held her closer by her waist.

"You're gonna love what I do next!"

Akshu pushed him onto a couch nearby and sat infront of him. 

She licked the tip of his manhood. Abhi couldn't even get the time to process it and instantly clutched her hair. Unconsciously, he pushed his whole dick inside her mouth and she took it at once. She sucked it till it became painfully hard. He was about to cum but then she stopped herself.

"Baby, shouldn't you do something now as well?" she teased.

"Ahh you left me at such a moment? I'll take my revenge!" he grunted and pushed her onto the bed nearby.

He quickly put his hands inside her panties to check how wet she was. And when he did, it felt satisfying. She was immensely wet and he loved it.

He started caressing her clit and she moaned.

"Not bad baby!" he smirked.

"All because of you." she desperately smiled back.

The very next second, he threw off her panties and started admiring her whole naked body. She was so perfect that he felt himself to be beyond lucky.

He again went up and kissed her forehead, then nose, then lips, then chin, then neck, then breasts, then navel and finally reached her core, which was already emanating a lot of heat. His desperation and desires knew no bounds by then. He took out his tongue and started caressing her clit, very softly. Akshara felt as if he was teasing her. She wanted to shout and scream but all her voices were coming out as whispers. 

He understood what she is going through and finally started sucking on her clit. She screeched in pleasure. Quickly she held the bedsheet with both her hands and he continued with his sweet torture. 

Soon he lifted his hands and inserted all his fingers one by one and quickly started moving them in and out. Akshara was trembling under his torture. He speed was increasing with his desperation. Even with his mouth, he was feasting on her clit. She was close to an orgasm and that is when he left.

"Revenge!" he exclaimed.

"NOOOO!" she shouted and he started laughing.

Soon he started rubbing his dick on her entrance to lubricate it. After some time, he entered inside her. It, obviously was their first time and she screamed loudly. She felt her body was trembling and breaking.

He grew concerned but she signalled him to continue and he did. They continued making love till 5 am in morning. 

It was an exhausting session for both of them but they were immensely satisfied. All their wait for each other over these years was now justified. 

As Abhi was lying beside Akshara, cherishing the moments they just had, she just climbed over him and hugged him. Their naked bodies being wrapped again each other was sending sensations down their spine and they loved it.

Akshu slowly kissed his chest and Abhi covered them with a duvet. The next moment he felt her sleeping on his chest. He smiled and kissed her head. He murmured a soft "I love you" before finally hugging her and sleeping.

Overdramatic they are, for sure :)
Also, making them look desparate was intentional cz they've been deprived of each other since more than 3 years!!

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