18. Is Everything Normal?

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Next morning, Abhimanyu and Akshara woke up late due to all the activities of last night. Quickly they had the breakfast in the hotel itself and went to take a walk in Galerie Vivienne.

 Quickly they had the breakfast in the hotel itself and went to take a walk in Galerie Vivienne

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Akshara was buying souvenirs and other things for all the family members. Abhimanyu too thought of changing his room's decor and looked for some beautiful art pieces.

Abhimanyu was doing the payment at a shop when his phone rang. Akshara picked it up.

"Bhai, bhabhi? How are you both?" Neil asked. He sounded terrified  

"Neil, its Akshara this side. And what happened? Is everything okay?" she asked.

Abhimanyu too came back and took the phone from her since she herself was turning pale already.

"What happened Neil?" Abhimanyu screamed.

"Bhai actually mmm..aaa... maaaa.... is......" 

"MAA WHAT?!!" he screamed even louder now gaining attention of few passers by.

Akshara noticed it and started rubbing his other palm in order to calm him down.

Abhimanyu again asked Neil, this time a little calmly "What happened to Maa, Neil?"

"Actually she was descending the stairs when she suddenly started feeling dizzy and fainted. She collapsed the stairs and is....is admitted in the hospital!" Neil said the last words in one breath.

Abhimanyu's world shook and he dropped the phone. The line disconnected and Akshara could see tears forming in his eyes.

"Akshu, we have to go back!" he said, while still shaking.

Akshu nodded without even asking what happened. Abhimanyu fisted his hands in his hair and then looked at Akshu with red eyes.

"Akshu maa had an accident." he cried to her.

Akshara heard this and her heartbeat grew faster. She had already lost her mom twice and now this... she herself was shaking but tried to stay strong and be Abhimanyu's strength.

They reached their hotel and Abhimanyu started looking for flights to go back to India. He was feeling so helpless that he isn't with his mother when she needed him the most. 

Akshara came with a glass of water for Abhimanyu and realised his condition isn't good. She asked him to close his eyes and rest on the couch while she books the tickets. They got the tickets of late night by using all their sources and paying triple price. As the packing was done and five hours were left for the flight, Akshara asked Abhimanyu to rest. She made him lie down and started whispering positive things in his ears but he kept tossing around. She knew all this wont work and called Neil to ask about her condition. He picked up and Abhimanyu forcibly put the phone on speaker.

"How's maa?" they both asked together.

"Doctors said there was a lot of blood loss. She's still in the OT. Like she's out of danger but we have to wait till she regains consciousness."

Abhimanyu felt a little better and they disconnected the call. Akshara started ruffling his hair and he cried to sleep. She saw his tears and bent to kiss them away. But when Abhimanyu felt her close, he pulled her and slept snuggling onto her.


Akshara had already put an alarm to wake him up. They got up and left from their hotel, boarded the flight and reached India the next day.

Abhimanyu did not even think of going to home and straightaway asked the cab driver to take them to Birla hospital. As they reached inside, Abhi ran towards the OT and asked about his mother's condition. Much to his relief, the doctors told that they could successfully operate and his mom is now shifted to a ward. She's on sedatives and sleeping right now. 

He met his family members and they all were distraught, specially his father. He went on and hugged him tight and two stayed in each other's embrace, crying for sometime. Meanwhile Akshu stayed with Neil and Nishita since they were younger and kept speaking good things to cheer them up.


After some time, they were informed that Manjiri has regained consciousness and Abhi rushed to meet her. She was shocked on seeing him. He hugged her and started crying while she ruffled his hair.

"Beta, why are you back so soon?"

"What's this question maa? Look at your condition. You think I can enjoy myself leaving you struggling in an operation theatre alone?" Abhi chided his mom.

"I know beta, but think about Akshu, what she would've felt!"

"Maa she's OUR Akshu! I think we know her well? Even she knows what was right at that moment. Rather she was the only one who became my strength there and now is helping Neil and Nishita!" Abhimanyu smiled.


"Stop it maa! Why are you stressing yourself so much? You have to take rest now, haan?"

Manjiri smiled and nodded.

"I'm sending dad inside. He has also been crying since the moment I entered the hospital."

Abhimanyu goes out and sends Harsh inside. Meanwhile he goes out and asks for Akshara. Neil tells him that she went to order tea for all of them from the cafeteria.


Abhimanyu reaches the cafeteria and collides with Akshara on the door. He hold her by waist as she lands in his arms. He puts her flicks behind her eyes and they both straighten. Abhi looks in her eyes and melts. She was the girl who was standing by his side through all the thick and thin. Though the news of maa's accident would've affected her equally but she chose not to show him or fall weak. Rather she became the strength of his whole family. He couldn't control and kissed Akshara's forehead. 

As his lips touched her skin, tears started forming in his eyes as well. He was feeling blessed to have her. He let his lips linger for a few seconds before Akshara realised they were standing in the middle of the hospital and took a step back. She raised her eyebrows to ask what happened but he just murmured a soft "I love you". She smiled and said "I love you too" before holding his hand and moving towards the rest of the family.


Manjiri was kept her observation for 2 more days. Abhimanyu himself kept a check on her diet and medicines and she was fit to go back home now. 

Abhimanyu and Akshara took utmost care of their maa and Harsh showered all his love on her. All this kept going for a week or so and then everything seemed back to normal, maybe! 

Manjiri fainting will always be tragic for abhira's romance lmao. Anyways more twists coming up next!

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