6. A Plan

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Kairav reached the location which was texted to him by Abhi. He saw the door bolted and knocked on it. Arohi came and opened the door and lead him to where Abhimanyu and Akshara were. Everything was dark there. Kairav could not even see properly. A long corridor, a spiral staircase, two rooms and then finally he could see his sister. She was sitting on a small couch and Abhimanyu kneeled infront of her, making her drink some water. 

"Akshu, why don't you listen to me ever? Okay atleast have these chocolates. You need some energy. My girl has to fight everyone na?" Abhimanyu was cutely scolding Akshu.

Akshu pouted and took the chocolate from him. "Abhi please stop treating me like a kid na, I can take care of myself. Why are you always being so over protective of me?" 

Abhi shot a glare and she laughed. "Okay okay I'm sorry. I know you care for me and obviously when you've seen me after so long you-" 

"Okay sshhh! Just have your chocolate!" 

Abhi was looking at her cutely eating that chocolate. He felt as if he has the whole world in hands. It looked like a dream. He got up and was about to kiss her forehead when suddenly Kairav coughed.

"Ahem-ahem..! I think you have called other people over here too?" Kairav teased them.

Abhi got embarrassed and stood up whereas Akshu laughed. Kairav saw his sister so happy after so long. He hadn't heard his laughter since years. Even when he called her in Delhi, she usually sounded emotionless or kept weeping on every little inconvenience.

"Okay if y'all are done with teasing each other can we discuss a plan against Ruby?" Arohi reminded them. 

"Did you inform Neil about us too?" Abhi asked

"Yes and he said he'll inform the police and keep a check on Birla and Goenka house if anything wrong happens. He was so happy for you guys as well!"

Abhi smiled and then made everyone sit.

"What's this place Abhi? Are you keeping Akshu here for the time being?" Kairav enquired.

"Yes, I don't want that idiot Ruby to even come near her. Whatever is to be done, now I will do. I just want you all to protect her." 

"NO! You aren't doing anything alone. Abhi we decided we will fight this together. If this is a safe spot to hide its for both of us, I'm not staying here alone." Akshu got up saying.

"Acha acha baba, I got it. Please sit down atleast."

Abhi had a plan which he shared with everyone and they all agreed. 

"We will put this into action tomorrow. For today let's just wait to see if Ruby initiates something. If she decides to end all the drama before us it'll be better." Abhi finally declared. "Also Akshu you can come with us tomorrow but for now, please stay over here only. I don't its safe for you to go back to Goenka house."

"Okay, I will. But Abhi if I stay here, you have to as well. I can't sleep in this horrifying place alone."

"Arohi will stay here too na jaan, I have to look after everything outside as well. Plus I have to work on our plan also na."

Akshu got up and went to the other room without even looking at him. Abhi understood he stood no chance. He looked at Kairav and Arohi and they reassured them that they'll handle everything for today. Abhi was just going to call Akshu and tell him that he's staying there when he received a call. It was Neil. He told him that he was going to the Goenka house to inform everything that has been happening there but saw Ruby there. She had some men with her who had loaded pistols and they were shouting Akshara's name in the whole house.

"Where are you right now?" Abhi enquired further.

"I'm hiding behind the bushes. I think they're about to leave. Ruby has already came out of the house."

"Oh god this is what I feared. Okay stay there I'm coming." 

Akshu heard their convo and came to him snatching the phone. Kairav also grew worried. Akshu put the phone on speaker and talked. 

"Neil, are the family members okay? Did Ruby try to harm anyone of them?" Akshu asked.

"Bhabhi I think so! I mean I can only give you the details once I go inside." 

"I am coming." Kairav told Neil.

"We'll also come." Abhi, Akshu and Arohi also declared.

"Only Arohi will come with me. You two stay here. I think its not safe for you guys to come in Ruby's notice. You don't know what she can do at any instant." Kairav interrupted

"Yes bhai bhabhi, there's no need for you guys to come. I can already see her leaving with those men. Maybe she'll look for you at other places." Neil told from the other side.

"Fine then. You both should go as soon as possible and keep updating us. Neil you stay in the Birla mansion and tell me if Ruby comes." Abhi said.

After this, both Kairav and Arohi left. Now only Abhimanyu and Akshara were left in the bunglow.

Abhi was exhausted by everything that was happening since morning. He dropped himself on the couch nearby and signalled Akshu to sit by his side. But Akshu instead came and sat on his lap. He wanted to ask her about a lot of things, where was she staying till now, what was she doing, how was her life going but more than that he wanted peace for himself at that moment. He laid on the couch and Akshu snuggled closer to his chest and they laid in each other's arms, without uttering a word.

How was the chapter guys? What do you think is Abhira's plan? Will they be successful in it or Ruby will be able to separate them again? 

The next chapter will definitely have abhira spending some time alone and having convos. Till then, please drop your views on this one.

Thanks for reading and take care <33

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