4. Past

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Akshara ran out of the hospital and Arohi saw her midway. She went towards the parking area and collapsed behind a car. Arohi came running after Akshara and was shocked to see her conditionl. She was having a severe breakdown. Arohi understood what could have happened. She quickly took Akshu in her lap and kisses her head whispering "its okay, its okay, it was not your fault. You are also helpless na?" 

"Arohi its my fault, its just MY FAULT. I broke him, once again."

"No Akshu No, please don't-"

"Arohi do you know, he was looking at me with so much hope, I felt like holding him and hiding him in my arms forever. He felt he got his Akshu back, that little twinkle in his eyes when he saw me first, I- I cannot forget" she sobbed uncontrollably.

Arohi was hugging her even tightly now. She already feared this would happen but now, now she was feeling helpless. 

"Kahna ji, why this had to happen with my sister only? She has already seen so much in life. She suffered so much because of me, now why she has to be separated from him as well? You can see na, they're incomplete without each other. He still lives with a hope that she'll be back to him look at her, she's so helpless that even though her heart pains because of the distance, she cannot go back to him. But...it has been 3 years. I think I should enquire about her. Is she still the same or that stone hearted wicked woman has melted seeing Abhimanyu." Arohi thought to herself.


Here, Abhimanyu regained consciousness and started asking for Akshara.

"Maa, Sir where is my Akshu? She was here na? Just a few minutes ago she was here. I- I have to get her back." With this Abhimanyu rose up from his bed and tried to walk a bit but just then his door flung open and Ruby (yes the same girl who had put false allegations on him once) entered with a bouquet of flowers. 

"Abhi, I heard you just fell down unconscious? What happened?" Ruby spoke as he moved towards Abhimanyu.

"Stay there! Just stay there! And don't you dare call me Abhi! Only my mom and my Akshara have that right. How many times do I have to explain this?" 

"Oh Abhimanyu please shut up! Akshara? The girl who ghosted you 3 years back and went away? I can't believe you're still talking about her. She won't ever come back darling, just forget her!" Ruby moved closer to Abhi and tried stroking his cheeks. Abhi jerked her off.

"Oh you dumb woman just get away!! I mean you have got no shame left or what? When you met me that day in the hospital, I felt you've actually changed and I let you befriend me as a patient but look at yourself now. It just took you an year to change into the same shameless woman again na? And who is allowing you to come in the hospital now and then? SECURITY, TAKE HER AWAY RIGHT NOW!" Abhimanyu ordered, now extremely angry. 

"It's okay Abhi, I have been waiting since long, let it be few more years. Eventually I will make you mine." Ruby spoke with an evil laugh as security woman dragged her out.

"Really? You think so? Specially after Akshara is back in this city? Just let me find her and then you wait and watch, how we will live a happy life once again and you will sulk in the corner." Abhimanyu laughed back as he saw a change in Ruby's expressions.

"What? THIS IS JUST NOT POSSIBLE! HOW DARE SHE? Sspecially after whatever I did to her that day- it's impossible for her to come back! Now you wait and watch Akshara Goenka, what I do to you!" Ruby shouted as she freed herself from the security woman and marched out of the hospital. 

"WHAT? RUBY!!!" Abhi shouted but she had already left his sight.

"What the hell were you saying Ruby? What did you do to my Akshara? Were you the reason she-" he was shouting while going after her but his foot hit an empty stretcher and he fell down.

Till then Harsh and Manjiri also came to Abhi. They made him stand and Manjiri spoke "Beta, we know what she was saying. This Ruby is only the reason why your Akshu left you."

Abhimanyu was shocked. He knew his parents have always been hiding something from him since the day she left but they actually knew everything. Why did they have to do this to him?

"Tell me everything maa." Abhi said, after gathering a lot of courage."

"Three years from now, we all were sitting in the hall of Birla mansion- me, your dad, Parth, Shifali and Neil. You went to hospital for a surgery and Akshu had planned for a movie night. We all were waiting for you to come back. Akshu came to the hall with popcorns and went to Neil to help him with the projector. Suddenly her phone rang and she picked it up. It was Ruby. She asked Akshu to check her mails for a video and when she did, she saw a man with a loaded gun was chasing you on your way back home. Akshara turned pale. She called Ruby back to ask why is she doing all this and soon realised that she was actually burning with revenge. She was jealous of the happy married life you and Akshara were living specially after you rejected her and publically humiliated her. She told Akshara if she does not leave you by today itself she will shoot you. Deep down she knew Akshara will never take a chance with you and when she'll leave you, you both will feel the same pain that she felt and her revenge will be completed. Akshara felt helpless. Her mind couldn't process anything. Me and your dad begged her to leave from there and she did. Within minutes she took her things and left, even without looking back at us. She was shook, she was heartbroken and it was so visible. After that we neither contacted her, nor did she. Once I met Swarna ji at a temple and she told me Akshara left Udaipur with Arohi the next day itself."

Manjiri completed and looked at Abhimanyu who was shook. So much mad happened behind his back and he never knew, neither his parents ever thought of telling him? This girl Ruby who came to his hospital as a patient and did everything to come in her good books has done THIS behind his back? Now, he understood what Ruby was talking about as well. 

"Oh shit! Does this mean Akshu is in danger? Oh no! Why did I take her name infront of that Ruby!! What if she- NO NO NO!" and he ran out of the hospital, unaware of what will happen next.

So yes, the reason of their separation was Ruby's blackmail. Actually I couldn't think of only other villain since till date only she has been introduced in yrkkh anddd I did not want to introduce and new characters which makes it different to connect with. Anyways, what do you think will happen next? Will Abhi be able to save Akshara or something may hit her before. What'll Ruby do?

Also in the chapters from now on, there will be lots of abhira scenes n so sorry for keeping you guys deprived of them till now :')

Thanks for reading and lots of love <33

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