14. The Surprise

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Abhi and Akshu reached their home and found Harsh and Manjiri sitting on the sofa waiting for them.
Harsh yawned.
"You can sleep if you want to. We'll give them the surprise tomorrow? Don't know how much more time will they take." Manjiri said to a half asleep Harsh.
"Sorry maa, sorry papa!" Abhimanyu and Akshara exclaimed together as they moved towards them.
Harsh heard their voices and instantly straightened himself. His eyes twinkling thinking about their surprise again.
He called Abhimanyu and Akshara closer to him and handed them an envelope.
"What's it dad?" Abhi asked confused.
He knew how Harsh gave utmost importance to hospital and it's paperwork. This must be something related to it.
He unwillingly opened the envelope and his eyes were left wide open on reading that.
"I can't believe-" Abhimanyu are his words as he started at his parents in disbelief.
Akshu snatched the papers from him and gave it a look. She too had a similar expression as Abhi.
Then they looked at each other and exclaimed together "OH MY GOD!!!!!"
Suddenly they bursted into smiles and ran to hug Manjiri and Harsh.
"Who's idea was it?" Abhi asked while he was hugging his mom.
"Obviously your dad's!"
Abhi was shocked to his core. He looked at his father who's eyes were shining as if proud of what he just did for his son and how happy he is to see him like that after ages.
"What is it that you all are shouting and crying over here?" Neil asked as he picked up the papers which Akshra dropped in excitement.

"A PARIS HONEYMOON FOR ABHIRA OH MY GODDDDDDDD" Neil exclaimed and acted as if fainting. "Papa, you booked honeymoon tickets for bhai and bhabi, that too of Paris!"
"Ah- yes! I think our kids really need some space and time alone. They've met each other after so long and now that they have, they deserve to spend most of their time together. And it's just not possible in this house. They'll always get distracted towards their responsibilities towards us that's why." Harsh tried to calmly explain himself.
"Thankyou so much maa, papa." Abhira said together.
"Okay so it's late night now. You both can sleep. You've to leave for Paris tomorrow na?"
"Tomorrow?" Abhi checked the tickets again.
"Why so early dad?"
"Haan dad we haven't done any shopping as well!" Akshara too exclaimed.
"Arey Akshu, you don't worry about that. Mom n dad told us about their plan yesterday itself. So I ordered some clothes and accessories for you. They're kept in your room so please have a look. I mean I tried to understand and match your choice, and I'm already sorry if they were not-" Akshu intervened and went on to hug Shifali before she could complete.
"Thankyou so much!" She cried in her arms.
"Uh- what about me?" Abhi faked a sulk.
"Bhai, your clothes are also there in the room." Neil laughed. "Me and Parth bhai chose it for you."
"And we toh did not even have that being unable to understand the choice problem coz obviously we know you." Parth added.
"Still I chose good clothes okay?" Shifali frowned.
"Sure di, thankyou so much!!" Akshu tried to intervene sensing that it could lead to argument.
Abhi too sensed it and did not want to waste any of their precious time in the drama.
He again thanked everyone for their efforts and then dragged Akshu to their room.

As long as they reached their room, he bolted the door and took Akshu in his arms.
"Isn't it too dreamy?"
"It is!" Akshu pecked his nose.
"Till just 2 days back, I was living my most miserable now. And look at us now, the happiest people on this planet right now!" Abhi laughed, giving light kisses on her face occassionally.
"I know!" Akshu smiled and ruffled his hair.

They stayed like that for sometime before Akshu recalled how they've packed nothing till now. "Abhi it's 10 o clock. We have a flight at around 9 am na? We have to pack everything quickly and sleep right now!"
"No! I don't wanna leave you na." Abhi said, as he continued kissing her eyes and nose.
"Abhiiii!" Akshu pushed him away and ran towards her closet.
"Look I'll keep all those dresses that Bhai and bhabhi brought for us, but also these ones. You know i bought this saaree before our marriage, just to wear it on our honeymoon!"
"Hmmm? So you were planning for our honeymoon from so long, I see!" Abhi smirked.
Akshu blushed. "Shut up Abhi! Let me concentrate."
Akshu ran throughout the house finding and packing up things for her honeymoon while Abhi kept adoring her wifey's excitement for the same. Akshu noticed him and made a face. "You won't help me na?"
Suddenly Abhi was brought back to reality and went on to help Akshu. In one and a half hour, they packed up everything up.
Abhi was very tired after his surgery, make out session, family gathering and now this packing. He crashed on the bed upside down and closed his eyes.
Akshu stared from behind. "Abhi! Now you'll sleep without me? You didn't even call me?" Akshu faked anger.
"Sorry na baby, come here!" Abhi said, still lying on his stomach and face buried in the pillow.
"Not like this, call me in a nicer way!" Akshu tried to sound annoyed while she was actually adoring her husband's antics.
"Arghhh-" Abhi turned around and looked at Akshu with a pout on his lips. Seeing him, she bursted into laughter.
"Stop laughing you!" Abhi cried like a kid."Come here now!" He stretched his arms and she ran to him. Soon, Akshu was lying over Abhi and he hugged her tight.
"Akshu!" Abhi murmured against her hair.
"Your dream of doing it in the honeymoon suite is being fulfilled." He suddenly laughed making Akshu look up and stare at him. Her hair were all over eyes and she was looking cutest ever. He squished her cheeks and she too smiled.
"It's good that my dream got fulfilled. Better doing it in a pretty honeymoon suite of Paris that on the couch of your cabin." Akshu teased this time.
"Acha? acha? acha???!" Abhi spoke and they kept rolling each other upside down and finally sleeping in each other's arms, excited for their special day tomorrow.

Abhira's honeymoon coming up next! Will be an 18+ chapter so ignore it if you aren't comfortable.

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Take care y'all and thanks for the love till now! Your comments are really a motivation to write more <3

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