10. New Beginnings

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The morning was very special for Abhimanyu and Akshara. Both wanted this day to be very special in their life.
Abhimanyu arranged for a lot of dhol valas for Akshara's entry. The whole of Birla mansion was decorated over night, thanks to Neil and company. Manjiri did all the preparations for Akshara's grihapravesh. And surprisingly, Harsh also helped his wife.
Well it wasn't surprising anymore. Harsh had changed a lot after Akshara left.

In Goenka house, everyone was in awe of how beautiful Akshara was looking. She wore a yellow embroidered saaree and was looking like a newly wedded bride. Her bindi, maang teeka, jhumke everything was screaming how she wanted to look extremely beautiful for her Abhimanyu.

Soon, the moment they were waiting for, arrived. Abhimanyu came to pick Akshara.
He was getting impatient to see her but Arohi kept him waiting for troubling Akshu every now and then. Everyone sitting with him in the hall of Goenka house were laughing and teasing him.
But what he saw after a few minutes was definitely worth the wait. Akshara was looking insanely gorgeous. She was descending down the stairs with Arohi whereas Abhimanyu thought it was a fairy descending from heaven.
Unconsciously, he moved towards her and moved his hand forward. She gave him her hand and they both descended the last 3 stairs together. Slowly, Abhimanyu whispered in her ears "Do you know, you look extremely beautiful when you get ready for me. This feeling is amazing Akshu. I-" and tears strated streaming down his face.
"Shhh" Akshu cupped his face, wiping away the tears.
All the family members were standing in awe seeing the lovebirds getting completely engrossed in each other every now and then.
Akshu bid a tearful goodbye to her family members before sitting with Abhimanyu in his car and they were FINALLY moving towards "their" home.
"Abhi can I ask you something, I mean if you don't mind?" Akshu asked Abhi as he was driving towards their way home.
"Uh- sorry I-"
"Akshu what's wrong with you? You can ask me anything, anytime without even thinking twice."
Akshu smiled. "Actually Abhi, I am shocked you came to pick me up by a car? And if I'm not wrong, this is Papa's car na? Where's you're bike? I thought you loved it a lot."
"I don't know where it is Akshu. I couldn't even bear to look at that bike after you left me." Abhi said without even looking at her.
Akshu started feeling guilty and Abhi noticed it. He instantly wiped her tears.
She murmured a soft "sorry" to Abhi and he instantly nodded in a no.
"Not your fault baby." And he held Akshara's hand as they drove to Birla mansion.

Finally they reached the Birla mansion and Abhi screamed from outside to announce they've arrived. The dhol valas made their way to the entrance and started singing and beating the drums. All the Birla cousins led by Neil came forward and started dancing as well. They pulled in Akshara and Abhimanyu and they all were enjoying themselves. Everyone hugged Akshara and told her how grateful they were to get her back. Oh and Abhi too. They knew how they had lost Abhi too, the day Akshara left him. And Akshara, she was still unaware about all this.
Soon Manjiri came with a kalash filled with rice and kept it on the entrance. Harsh also came behind her and smiled to Akshara.
Soon after, Akshara's griha pravesh was done and manjiri, harsh welcomed their kids happily.
Manjiri had also kept a hawan for the safety and togetherness of her kids since they've been through a lot all these years.
Harsh too announced that Akshara might join Birla hospital from tomorrow and her music therapy department will be re-established which he once disregarded.
"Akshara, what were you doing all these years by the way?" Harsh asked.
"I've been in Delhi papa. I used to run an NGO with Arohi and some of my friends."
"Oh great! Your friends will continue with the NGO or they'll wind up since you're here?"
"Let's see dad. I used to take care of most of the things there. I'll see to it they want to continue or else I'll open job vacancies for it."
Meanwhile Abhi was getting irritated by all these discussions. Yes he was dying to see Akshara bond with his family, and specially his dad but more than that, he wanted her for himself right now. He waited for her all these years and he now didn't want to waste a second. He wanted to spend all his precious time with her and pamper her to no extent!
"Maa, which is my, I mean our room from now on?" Abhimanyu asked Manjiri
Akshara was shocked by the question.
"What do you mean Abhi?"
"Oh actually I-" Abhi was about to answer when he realised Akshara knew nothing about how he lived alone in that small hospital quarter all these days. In all the mess, her forgot to discuss everything with her. Oh forget discussing with her, he himself forgot everything. Neither his family let him recall when he casually marched into his house the previous night. His mom kept new clothes from his bed and he casually got ready in the room, he once called his. He slept on a couch of the hall while looking at the decorations and that's it.
"Abhi, what sort of a stupid question is that? You think I will let anyone touch your room? It's the same, just misses you and your wife a lot." Manjiri tearfully smiled.
Abhi held Akshara's hand and they went towards their room. Quickly he bolted the door and without even wasting a second pulled Akshara in his arms, hugging her.
"Arey-" Akshara exclaimed as she tried to register his sudden movement.
"Please na, let me! I missed this, I missed having you all for myself, wifey!" Abhi spoke as he buried his face in her shoulders.
Akshara tightly hugged him back and they stayed like that for sometime.
"Okay bas! Listen I'm going to join the hospital from tomorrow haan?" Akshara exclaimed all of a sudden.
"Seriously? From tomorrow? You must be kidding haan. Bacha you need to take rest, you just came to Udaipur, then all that mess and now you're here. You really really need some rest." Abhi reprimanded.
"Nahi naa. Okay listen- I know you want to spend time with me but it's just not possible in this house. You saw how messed up the things were last time as well na? So book a pretty honeymoon location and till then let me concentrate on my work." Akshara whispered against his ears and kissed his earlobe as she finished.
Abhi's eyes widened. He tried to process what she meant.
"How are you always two steps ahead of me sweetheart" Abhi said as he playfully caged her between his arms.
"That is how wives are!" she said while playfully rubbing her nose against his and they hugged each other again.
After that, she quickly unpacked her things and arranged them in his house, just like they used to be when they got married first.
By then, it was night and Manjiri called them down for dinner.
On the dining table, Akshara was asked about her life in these three years and told everything about Delhi. Even Abhi was listening to her intently, slightly getting jealous when she tried to tell how her friends always surrounded her and tried to keep her happy. He wanted to be the only person who cares and pampers Akshara but he also knew his jealousy is kiddish.
After the hectic day, they both got really tired and instantly went to sleep. Abhi wanted to talk and do a lot but he knew Akshara isn't in a condition. He quickly kissed her head as they laid down on the bed and sleep took over.

Was it a long and boring chapter? I'm sorry but I'm sure the next one is gonna be everyone's fav- a morning in the birla house :)

Thanks for reading and please drop your views on this one <33

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