13. A Date

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Warning: Intimate scenes (15+)

Abhi was completely exhausted by the surgery. It was around 8 pm that he came back.
He reached his cabin and found out that it was locked. Well no one in the hospital could dare to do that, obviously except his wife, his Akshu!
He had the spare keys and entered the cabin. He saw that it was all decorated. His favourite food was served. There was a small comfy couch put up with some heart shaped cushions.
His eyes started searching for the person who did it but the cabin was empty. He looked around and called for Akshu but she was nowhere to be seen.
Just when he turned around to go and check outside the cabin, Akshu came out from behind the curtains and back hugged him. Abhi held her hands and smiled.
"Happy belated birthday Abhi! I'm so sorry you couldn't celebrate it that day. All because of me! I-"
"Hey sshh! You coming back to my life was the best birthday gift I could've ever asked for. And thankyou for this!" Saying this, he turned around to look at her beautiful face and he was shocked at the sight.
She was just wearing his white shirt. He couldn't stop himself from starting at those milky white legs which were completely exposed by that shirt.
"Akshu this.." Abhi almost sighed.
Akshu blushed and started looking down. "Uh- actually I wasn't really comfortable in the saaree. Like I haven't worn it in all these three years. Plus I was missing you. Then we also had our date so-"
"Oh stop clarifying! I love this- uh- I mean what if someone sees you here like this-"
"Come on Abhi who'll come to your cabin when you aren't here! Plus it was locked if you remember. If someone calls me, I had your scrubs ready to change quickly."
"So much of planning for what? To turn me on by wearing this shirt of mine?"
"Maybe yes!" Akshu said as she moved forward and ran his fingertip on his jawline.
Abhi felt shivers down his spine. Akshu's touch always did something to him.
He held her by the waist and pulled her closer. He was about to kiss her but then she shrugged him off.
"I'm hungry!" She complained.
"Mee too!" He said desperately but then suddenly realised what she meant.
He started looking down and Akshu giggled.
"Come!" she said and lead him to the couch. It was indeed a very comfy setup.
Abhi already had a long and tiring day and instantly jumped on the couch. Akshu too sat beside him and he held her by the waist again, putting his head on her shoulders.
"Akshu, I'm really tired right now. Please feed me na?"
"Okay!" Akshu pecked his forehead as he was looking very irresistible in those scrubs, his face just inches apart from hers.
She started feeding him and after a while he started feeling normal. He got up and fed Akshu as well.
"Umm- everything's so good. Akshu you're the best!" Abhi said as they finished the food and he finally hugged her tight. "I don't know how Akshu but someone you manage to take away all my anger and stress. I was so tired right now and now I can just-"
"You can what?" She asked giving him a playful smile and he understood her intentions.
Abhi saw some food particles on the corner of her mouth and took his thumb to rub it. He slowly moved his thumb on her lips and she started feeling all sorts of sensations. The move was very sensual and she could guess what's coming up next. She closed her eyes in anticipation.
He moved closer to her lips and whispered against them "will you let me do it this time or ask for a honeymoon suite again?" He tried to tease but she couldn't take all this anymore. She straightaway crashed her lips on his and started kissing him. Her move shocked Abhi. It took a few seconds for him to process this and he finally gave in, kissing her back with the same intensity. It was a soft yet passionate one. Abhira's first passionate kiss! After a few minutes, they broke the kiss due to lack of air. Both were panting heavily but their desire to have more of each other increased.
Abhi made her lie on the couch and started hovering over her. Akshu instantly flipped him and took off his shirt. He smirked at her desperation. Abhi flipped her again and started opening the buttons on her shirt.
He opened the first button and Akshu gasped.
Second button and Akshu clenched her fists.
Third button and he slipped the shirt off her shoulders, completely exposing her cleavage.
All this was enough to turn them both on. Abhi started kissing her exposed shoulders but Akshu too wanted to have him by then. She held his face and started kissing him desperately again. If their first kiss was soft and passionate, this one was wild and desperate. Soon after, Abhi attacked on her neck. She held his face and pushed him more onto herself. Unconsciously, she wrapped her legs around his torso and now they were completely into the moment. This was turning out to be the perfect moment to finally consummate their marriage.
Abhi was nibbling on her neck when his phone rang. He ignored it. It rang again and he continued ignoring it until it rang for the 4th time.
"Pick it up!" Akshu moaned as Abhi was kissing her exposed cleavage.
"I can't!" Abhi said, giving her a love bite.
"Ahhh... Abhi please check it once. It rang 4 times!" Akshu moaned again.
Abhi was actually not in a condition to talk. He was completely tuned on. So, Akshu finally pushed him and sat on the couch. She checked his phone and it was from the home landline. She called back and Shifali picked up.
Abhi came and back hugged her to feel himself against her while she talked.
"Yes Shifali? Oh- Suree! We'll be back in half an hour. Thanks for informing." Akshu hanged up the call.
"What the fuck? Akshu, we aren't going home tonight please!" Abhi said, irritated.
"Abhi shifali bhabhi told me mom and dad are waiting for us since long. They were talking about some surprise. I think they've planned something and we shouldn't break their heart."
"But what about this surprise of yours? You'll leave this in between?"
"Baby we'll continue with it at home na? We still have the whole night. It's just 9!" Akshu winked at him.
"Ah- okay!!" Abhi made a face and got up.
Akshu could tell he was annoyed so she went towards him and whispered against his lips "Won't you help me dress up again? I don't know how to wear a saaree na!"
"Stop yaar Akshu! I'll be turned on once again and then it'll be impossible for me to stop!"
"So?? I can't go home like this. Now consider this a challenge. Dress me up without getting distracted."
Abhi understood what she was doing and he took the saaree lying in the cupboard making her wear it. He kept touching her here and there, making her gasp occassionally. Finally he was done and he looked up to find her eyes closed. He moved towards her navel and kissed it.
"Oh no! So you ended up distracting me only?" Akshu made a face and then both laughed.
Soon they came out of his cabin and moved towards their house to know about the surprise.

Sorry to keep them and you guys hanging lol! But it'll come soon *winks*
How was the chapter filled with only and only abhira romance hehe?
Thanks for all your love till now <3

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