Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: ACE’s Past

At 12 noon, the players of the national team came to the cafeteria. The newcomers, who wrote the self-criticism, saw Coach Jiang and turned to hurry away like a mouse seeing a cat. They were afraid they would be caught and scolded.

Meanwhile, Ye Qingming came over cheekily. He was too skilled when it came to writing self-criticisms. He finished writing it at 3 o’clock last night and slept until 11 o’clock. He shaved his beard, took a shower, combed his hair and changed into clean clothes.

Last night, he had answered Lao Lin’s phone in a daze and was woken up by Jiang Shaoyu’s icy voice. He was in such a hurry that he didn’t wash his face and went to the meeting like the leader of a beggar gang.

Now he tidied up and looked very handsome.

Ye Qingming had a pair of peach blossom eyes that were full of affection. It was easy to make people feel soft when he smiled gently at people. However, Jiang Shaoyu had long been accustomed to this person’s thick skin. He saw Ye Qingming approaching with a smile and immediately tapped the table with his chopsticks. “Sit further away.”

Ye Qingming moved to the side while pretending to feel aggrieved. “Are you so ruthless to your old teammate? I’m not a germ.”

Jiang Shaoyu casually told him, “Come to the office to find me after you finish eating.”

Ye Qingming blinked. “In order to reminisce about the past?”

“In order to submit your self-criticism.”

Ye Qingming: “……”

Jiang Shaoyu continued, “In addition, let’s talk about why you got suspended.”

Ye Qingming: “………”

Did this person intend to scold him again?

Zhou Yiran and Lao Lin saw the familiar scene of ‘Ye Zi being lectured’ and walked over with a smile. They originally wanted to talk to their old friends about the past. As a result, Jiang Shaoyu looked up and told them calmly, “Lao Lin, Xiao Zhou, you should also come to the office to find me after you finish eating.”

The two people: “……”

Why did they have the bad feeling of hitting the muzzle of a gun?

The three of them finished eating and formed a team to find Jiang Shaoyu.

There was an office in the corner of the top floor of the training building. The entrance had a sign that read ‘Coach of the National Team’s Office’. It could be expected that in the future, this would probably be the place where the national team’s players were most afraid to come to.

Lao Lin knocked on the door and heard a cold voice coming from inside. “Come in.”

The three of them entered the room one after another.

On the first day that Jiang Shaoyu took office, he vigorously cleaned up his office.

There were two computers on the spacious desk. One was a high-end desktop computer and the other was a thin and light laptop. There was a bookshelf on the wall behind him with a row of folders neatly arranged. Based on the markings, it contained information about the national team’s players and the major clubs.

He also kept a notebook with a black cowhide cover next to him that was apparently for casual note taking.

Whoever made a mistake in the future would be written down in this small book…

Then they would have to ask for more blessings.

The three of them stood beside each other with serious faces like students going to find their teaching director. They said in unison, “Coach Jiang.” They even almost bowed.

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