Chapter 80

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Chapter 80: Master Tactician

Winding Corridor was the simplest map in Gun King. It had four corridors in the north, south, east and west that formed four corners. Fighting at the corners was a battle of the players’ reaction speed and marksmanship accuracy.

In this round, JZ adopted the strategy of advancing in a group of five people. Meanwhile, HW split into teams of two and three. The three people on the left side were the charger, scout and assaulter while the sniper took the medic on the right.

Due to the small size of the map, the two sides met in the northeast corner in the blink of an eye. It was a 3V5 encounter. HW had smaller numbers and there was a clear disadvantage. However, Zhou Yiran reacted quickly. He casually threw a smoke bomb to cover the opponent’s field of view. Then he followed up by firing his AK wildly through the smoke, suppressing the opponent with firepower.

However, Lao Lin had always been a head-on fighter. He actually resisted Zhou Yiran’s firepower suppression and took the lead to rush over.

His teammates followed behind him. At this moment, the assaulter Lao Lin was the ‘human shield’ of his teammates. He was shot with many bullets and his health dropped.

However, he wasn’t afraid. He directly broke through the opponent’s blockade of smoke and firepower. Before he died, he fired more than a dozen bullets and killed Zhou Yiran in one wave. His teammates kept up with the output and killed all three HW players in an instant.

1 for 3 was very profitable.

The medic hurried to rescue Lao Lin but the next moment, a bullet burst through the air from behind him.


The sniper of the HW team had come around and killed the medic directly.

Immediately after that, two more gunshots rang out and JZ’s two outputs were quickly killed by the opposite sniper.

Lao Lin exclaimed, “F*k! They went around! Turn around and blow them up!”

The roar from the headset made Jiang Shaoyu frown. Lao Lin’s hot-blooded style hadn’t changed for so many years. In addition to the fierce marksmanship, he relied on ‘sound to kill opponents’. His teammates were very excited due to him.

Once the three dead HW members were resurrected, they rushed over and joined the battle again. Lao Lin also rushed over after his resurrection. The two sides broke out into a team battle against at the northwest corner.

The heads ratio on the screen was constantly changing.





The battle between the two sides was fierce and the score was always tight.

Jiang Shaoyu hadn’t seen such an enjoyable training match for a long time.

There were too many details in the operation of the players. How to use crossfire, how to cover back and forth, which way to go after resurrection and when to release a smoke bomb. Sometimes, a mistake in the operation could lead to a collapse in the team battle.

Lao Lin played even more passionately and Xiao Zhou fought in more detail.

In the end, Zhou Yiran split the team to the left and right sides and arrived at the battlefield simultaneously according to the rhythm. He wiped out the entire JZ team in one wave and locked the heads ratio at 50:48 and won a thrilling victory.

Lao Lin smiled. “It is my fault. I was slow to respond in the last wave.”

His teammates didn’t mind either. “It is okay, come again!”

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