Chapter 123

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Pei Feng looked at the inhibitor on the bedside table, and the dusty memories flashed through his mind like a movie. During the Spring Festival, Master's pheromones were disordered, and it snowed heavily on the way Pei Feng sent him back to the national team base. The highway was closed, and the situation was out of control. Pei Feng finally parked the car on the side of the road and marked Master in the car - that was their first close encounter.

The scene of that snowy night often appeared in his dreams later. It's just that in his heart, the master is a very sacred existence, and he is not allowed to blaspheme, so Pei Feng forcibly sealed that memory, so that he would not think about it.

He thought that the accident was like a dream, and it would be permanently sealed in the memory of the two of them. They still get along like a master and apprentice. Pei Feng still respects and admires the master in his heart. offense.

But now, looking at Master's ruddy face and weak body when he was tortured by pheromones, and listening to his slightly hoarse sexy voice, memories emerge fiercely like an opened faucet, and Pei Feng's brain is blank, he just feels The heart on the left was beating violently, as if to break free and jumped out of his chest.

Jiang Shaoyu waited for a while, and found that his apprentice didn't respond. He simply stretched out his arm and said in a hoarse voice, "There is a new syringe in the box, just open the cap of the inhibitor and put it on. This is a muscle needle, avoid the blood vessels and inject it to the side."

He usually injects himself, but today, under the torture of pheromones, it is very rare to be able to stay awake. Now he has no strength in his body, his hands are weak, and he can't hold the needle at all. Just now, he wanted to call the team doctor of the national team and ask Dr. Xue to come. As a result, Pei Feng just knocked on the door. Jiang Shaoyu thought, it was just an injection, and it was okay to ask the apprentice to help, so that Pei Feng entered the house.

Pei Feng was pulled back from his thoughts by the voice, and he looked down at the master's arm. Jiang Shaoyu's arms are very white, dazzlingly white under the illumination of the bedroom lights. Due to the long-term injection of Omega inhibitors, there are a lot of pinholes and bruises on his arms, and those marks are shocking!

Pei Feng only felt as if something had been stabbed in the depths of his heart. He stared at Master's arm and asked cautiously, "Are these... bruises left by injections? How many stitches?"

Jiang Shaoyu said, "Five years."

Pei Feng: "..."

For five years, injections every day? No wonder this arm is about to die!

He couldn't imagine how much torment Master had suffered over the years. Pei Feng's heart throbbed as he looked at his almost "unhuman" arm. Long-term injections not only left a large number of pinholes and bruises on the arm, but the muscles on the arm also began to shrink significantly. No wonder Jiang Shaoyu never wears short sleeves, even in the hot summer, he usually wears long-sleeved T-shirts and shirts... This is because he is worried about his injuries from being seen?

Jiang Shaoyu said calmly, "It's okay, I'm used to it." He closed his eyes, turned slightly sideways, exposing his entire arm, and said, "Come on, hit quickly, if you drag it further, I will lose control."

Jiang Shaoyu had just taken a shower, and his hair was still wet. At this time, he pulled down his pajamas, revealing not only his arms, but also a large white neck and collarbone. Except for the injury on his arm, the rest of his body is flawless. Such a stark contrast has a strange messy beauty.

Jiang Shaoyu's pheromone is very aggressive to Alphas. However, at this moment, Pei Feng couldn't help but want to get close to him, hugging this seemingly arrogant man who silently endured pain into his arms.

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