Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Spring Festival

The publicity post of the national team’s official Weibo had only been posted for less than half an hour and it had already been sent to the hot search by fans.

There were so many fans of Pei Feng that there were tens of thousands of comments lining up to greet his master.

Pei Feng started from scratch and climbed all the way to his current position using strength. The name of the ‘strongest streamer in the game’ was widely circulated. In addition, he was handsome and humorous. His die-hard fans were all over the Internet.

After Pei Feng became famous, he publicly stated many times in interviews that ‘In fact, my skills were taught to me by my master, Wing. The person I admire the most is my master’. His bio on the Internet even had ‘ACE-Wing’s only disciple’. Therefore, his fans had their own filters about the name ‘Wing’.

Fred was so powerful. His master must be more powerful, right? Some new fans who didn’t know much about the past of ACE ran to the Internet to search for Jiang Shaoyu’s name and were quickly impressed by Wing’s style.

Leading a grassroots team all the way to win the A-grade League’s championship. This legendary experience was worthy of the master!

The national team might be saved if he was the coach?

For a time, there were countless netizens leaving messages to welcome his return under Jiang Shaoyu’s Weibo.

OF course, some people rushed over and sneered. “Why did he come back after a few years of retirement? Did he come to the national team to misappropriate money?”

“The ACE fans are really good at whitewashing him. He retired back then. Such an irresponsible captain is now the coach of the national team?”

“The national team: in danger.”

Jiang Shaoyu’s fans were very strong in fighting. Perhaps it was due to their ancestor’s sharp tongue but they refuted it one by one. “You can be re-employed after retirement. Who says you can’t come back after retirement?”

“What do you mean by irresponsible? He arranged for ACE well before retiring. The disbandment of ACE was obviously due to the boss!”

“The members of ACE have never blamed their captain. It is truly heartbreaking.”

“Dangerous? It is really dangerous. The requirements of God Yu are so strict. The players of the next national team will be in danger :)”

The anti-fans: ???

This was the coach with the most fans they had ever seen. It couldn’t be helped so they slipped away.

Let’s see how your next national team can do!

The club managers in the circle watched Coach Jiang’s Weibo and were almost stunned.

Unexpectedly, a person who retired for five years would have such great influence on the e-sports circle. There were too many fans. It even brought out many editing masters and artists who retreated from the circle and no longer paid attention to e-sports when ACE disbanded.

God Wing’s wonderful highlights video, chibi profile pictures, etc. started to fill the super talk area.

This ancestor was worthy of being an ancestor.

No wonder the league invited him back. Wasn’t this relying on the influence of God Wing to completely rectify the national team?

On this night, many people were destined to lose sleep.

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