Chapter 177

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In the first two days of the game, Spain lost 0:2 to Germany and 1:2 to Canada, and there is no hope of qualifying. In this last game, it doesn't matter if Spain wins or loses, but is it better to win one game than lose all three? It's better to return home.

In this game, Spain's head coach sent 5 main players, a pure output lineup of double charger + assaulter + scout + sniper, which is also the first-class style of play they are best at.

At the beginning of the game, the system randomly selects Spain to take the lead.

The coach immediately submitted the game mode: Extreme Showdown.

They want to rely on the firepower advantage of pure output to get points from the Huaguo team. Of course, it is best if they can choose a map that they are good at.

Jiang Shaoyu quickly banned three small and medium maps.

Spain selected the map: Waiting Halls.

This map is made according to the actual waiting hall of the train station, which is divided into two floors: a wide hall on the first floor and a dining and rest area on the second floor. The lobby on the first floor has a wide field of vision, and a sniper gun can be erected on the second floor. It is a map that is very suitable for frontal guns.

Jiang Shaoyu explained a few words to Pei Feng in a low voice, then turned around and returned to the stage.

The game officially started, and the two sides were spawned at the east and west entrances on the first floor.

Spain was very aggressive, 4 people came to fight the front, the sniper went to the second floor as fast as possible to set up guns and long-range fire cover, they wanted to break up the Huaguo team in one wave, however, the Huaguo team dispersed directly at the beginning, and the 5 people went smoothly. Climbed up the stairs to the second floor, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

——Avoid its edge and find another way.

Pei Feng directed 5 people to transfer collectively, making Spain's first wave of sprints hit the air like double punches.

In the blink of an eye, a skull mark suddenly appeared on the screen.

[CHN-Leaf] used [Rose Blade] to kill [SPA-Alberto]!

The Spanish sniper hiding on the second floor was assassinated by Ye Qingming.

Pei Feng smiled and said, "Nice. Jump down and go around!"

Before the four people of Spain could turn around, they suddenly jumped down from the second floor like dumplings behind them. Lao Lin and Xiao Zhou raised their guns in the air, and the moment they landed, they shot at the back of their heads, killing two people from Spain directly!

The Spanish players immediately counterattacked and joined forces to kill Lao Lin.

But then, a crisp gunshot sounded from the second floor——


Pei Feng hid beside the coffee shop on the second floor, the barrel of the gun protruded from the glass guardrail, and he shot the opposite assaulter with one shot.

Ye Qingming jumped down lightly and shot the last scout on the opposite side.

The Spanish group was destroyed, and Shu Chen jumped down and rescued Lao Lin.

Less than 30 seconds into the game, the Huaguo team climbed to the second floor collectively. The two Zhou and Lin jumped from the air to make a surprise attack, cooperate with Pei Feng's long-range sniper kill, and directly played a wave of 1 for 5!

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