Chapter 92

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Chapter 92: Tryouts

Xzone was a national chain of five star hotels located near the national team’s e-sports park. This was the main branch in the capital and the environment was very good. The number of rooms was more than 800 and it was enough to accommodate all the participants.

On May 3rd, Yu Mingxiang sent the list of contestants to the person in charge of the hotel to arrange accommodations. Everyone was scattered in different rooms for the tryouts. If there was a network delay, computer failure, etc., then it would affect the result of the competition.

The team’s engineer, Qin Bo took two assistants to the hotel in advance to check all the computers carefully and install the necessary software on the computers to ensure that each computer could smoothly run Gun King.

The second week of May happened to be the league’s offseason week and all the players were on holidays, allowing them to participate in the tryouts. Due to the large number of applicants for this competition, the original two day time period wouldn’t work and it was extended to three days.

On the afternoon of the 9th, players came to the national team one after another to report.

There was a row of sign-in booths next to the playground of the national team’s base, led by Yu Mingxiang. Many players were coming to the national team for the first time and were excitedly taking photos everywhere.

“This base is so big. It is bigger than the campus of my high school!”

“Is that the dormitory building for players?”

“Does this count as a day trip for our team? I really want to live there!”

“At my level, I can only think about it. There is a high probability that it won’t work.”

Qin Xueyao heard the discussions around her and looked up at the dormitory of the national team with a bit of envy in her eyes. How great would it be if she could really live there? She also wanted to go abroad to play.

At this moment, a luxurious black business car stopped at the gate of the team’s base and a handsome young man got out of the car. There were a lot of discussions around her. “God Lu!”

“That is TNG’s God Lu, right?”

A player ran over excitedly. “Brother Lu! I am a fan of yours. Can you give me an autograph?”

Lu Xingyun smiled and signed the autograph with grace.

The TNG Club was in the capital and drove all the players over. All five members of the main team arrived. Lu Xingyun’s popularity was very high and he was full of followers everywhere he went. On the contrary, no one paid attention to the fat Pang Yu and thin Si Wenhui behind him.

Yu Feng, the sniper of the Snow Leopard team, sighed softly and said enviously, “A big club is so good. There is a car to drive them. Meanwhile, we came here by subway. It is too shabby.”

The teammate next to him whispered, “That very thin Si Wenhui plays a scout, right?”

Qin Xueyao nodded. “Yes, TNG’s Sing. He is very powerful.”

The moment she finished speaking, another group of eye-catching people arrived. Their hair was dyed colorfully and stood out. Qin Xueyao said with a smile, “The rainbow team and Xiao Yezi are here as well.”

There were so many scouts participating in the selection and Qin Xueyao felt that she had no hope. However, her main goal wasn’t to be selected into the national team. She just wanted to try it. How could she be willing if she didn’t work hard once?

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