Chapter 175

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At the end of the first game, seeing the score of 50:49, Hua Ran shouted excitedly, "Xueyao is great, we won!"

Xia Li also looked back at Qin Xueyao and said, "Double kill, Ah Xue is so handsome!"

Qin Xueyao's head was buzzing, she couldn't believe that she really got a double kill at the last minute!

Thinking of the difficulty of shutting down the little black room every day to practice guns at the national team base during this period, her nose suddenly became sour. At this moment, she finally understood the painstaking efforts of Coach Jiang.

In some extreme cases, a single shot from her can really make or break a match. If you don't pay attention to it at ordinary times, when it comes to the game, the bullet is missed, and it will be too late to regret it.

It was she who forced herself to train hard to improve the original sloppy marksmanship to a level that Coach Jiang was satisfied with. At today's critical moment, the Huaguo team could win this game... 50:49, too thrilling!

Qin Xueyao's tears were not as low as Mo Hantian's, nor did she shed tears. She quickly calmed down, controlled her emotions, and said with a smile, "Everyone is doing well!"

At the last moment, although she double-killed to secure the victory, the accumulation in the early stage was also very important. They used the resurrection point to move back and forth to deal with Canada. In every wave of team battles, everyone worked hard to cooperate to ensure that the number of people was not overtaken by Canada too much. This is the key.

In the domestic live broadcast room, the two commentators said excitedly, "Congratulations to the Huaguo team for winning the Neverland map at 50:49! Xueyao finally double-killed and took the lead in getting 50 heads, so handsome!"

"I always feel that Xueyao is a player who is seriously underestimated. She can lead the Snow Leopard team to win the second league championship, which itself shows that her overall situation awareness and commanding ability are very good."

"Yes, but the attention of the secondary league is too low, and everyone is not familiar with her. Since Coach Jiang chose her for the national team, he should also see her potential!"

"After training in the national team, Xueyao's strength has also improved significantly, especially her marksmanship has become very accurate! The strategy of killing the sniper first and then the assaulter at the last minute is also very calm. I believe there is someone like her. Captain, the Snow Leopard team has a bright future!"

At this time, several members of the Snow Leopard team were watching the live broadcast of the game at the base.

Seeing this, sniper Yu Feng almost slapped the table with a slap. "Damn it! Sister Xueyao is so awesome!" The others also hugged excitedly with tears in their eyes.

Their captain, no matter how difficult it was, did not give up the Snow Leopard team.

The gentle and tough Beta female captain.

They used to live in a small suburban house with three bedrooms and one living room, and transformed the living room into a rudimentary training room; they used to eat instant noodles every day, because there was no investment and limited funds, they could only take the subway collectively when they went to the competition.

If Qin Xueyao had not been encouraging them, maybe they would have given up long ago.

After the cold winter, they finally waited for the spring!

Now the Snow Leopard team has its own base, with a spacious and bright training room, as well as the team canteen and single dormitory. Their captain, even became a player of the national team, and served as a commander in the World Series!

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