Chapter 114

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Chapter 114: Map Memory

Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu practiced until dinner time before ending their special training. In just one afternoon, Pei Feng thoroughly mastered several tactics for the Rainy Night map. Once everyone came to the cafeteria to eat, they saw Mo Hantian, Shi Xiaobin and Xia Li talking in a corner.

Seeing Jiang Shaoyu, Xiao Li and Shi Xiaobin hurriedly shut their mouths. Mo Hantian happened to have his back to Jiang Shaoyu and didn’t notice Jiang Shaoyu’s approach. He was still talking, “God Wing was too handsome going through the level ten difficulties today. That marksmanship was like opening a cheat program. He is definitely the most powerful and handsome coach among the national team coaches of all the countries in the world. What do you think?”

Xia Li and Shi Xiaobin kept giving him looks but Mo Hantian didn’t understand their meaning and continued, “If the World Series has a coach PK event, our Chinese national team will definitely be the champion.”

Pei Feng couldn’t help smiling as he touched his nose. Was Xiao Mo trying to compete with him for the position of ‘God Wing’s number one fan’?

Mo Hantian was speaking when someone patted him on the shoulder. Mo Hantian turned his head and met Jiang Shaoyu’s calm eyes. The young man’s ears instantly turned red and he said, “C-Coach Jiang.”

Jiang Shaoyu smiled slightly and asked in a gentle voice, “Do you think I am a good coach?”

Mo Hantian blushed. “O-Of course.”

Jiang Shaoyu told him, “Then you should learn from me and pass level ten. Why don’t you… pass all four of them?”

Mo Hantian: “……??”

Xia Li and Shi Xiaobin lowered their heads out of fear they would be named. As Jiang Shaoyu turned to leave, Mo Hantian still had his mouth open and his jaw was about to drop. Finally, he came back to his senses and said tearfully, “Why is it that I get caught by God Wing every time I speak?”

Previously, he played the Korean rankings and pretended to be a smart AI. He played a little princess and was coquettish and cute as he called others Oppa. Coach Jiang was present every time. Today, he praised Coach Jiang behind his back and was caught by Jiang Shaoyu again…

Passing level ten in all four projects? It sounded like an impossible task.

However, if Coach Jiang could do it then he could also do it! Mo Hantian took a deep breath and silently made up his mind.

Pei Feng came to the window with a plate. He sat down facing his master and smiled. “Every time Xiao Mo sees you, it is like a mouse seeing a cat. He seems to be afraid of you?”

Jiang Shaoyu indifferently replied, “After all, I scolded him to the point of tears.”

Pei Feng glanced at Mo Hantian out of the corner of his eyes and said in a low voice, “He is an alpha. Why does he love to cry so much?”

Jiang Shaoyu’s lips curved up. “He hasn’t grown up yet and has a glass heart. He cries when he is sad and when he is excited. His tear ducts are well developed.” After a pause, he added, “Still, I am very optimistic about him. He is highly talented, will reflect on his mistakes on time and is willing to work hard to change. There is still a gap with you and Liu Shaozhou but I believe he can also shoulder the burden of the national team’s sniper in time.”

Pei Feng nodded in understanding. “I know. In a future match, if we send out the three sniper lineup, I will be responsible for commanding and have to look at the overall situation. I definitely can’t be the first to kill people. The output of the left and right wings will be handed over to Liu Shaozhou and Mo Hantian. Captain Liu will be fine but Xiao Mo can’t collapse. If he collapses then our entire lineup will quickly disintegrate. Therefore, it is right for you to demand more from him.”

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