Chapter 183

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After the quarter-finals draw, December 12 is the offseason. The coaches of each team can use this day to adjust their lineup tactics. The next game between China and Brazil is scheduled for December 13 at 7 p.m., and on the 14th at 10 a.m. domestic time.

After hearing the news, many netizens made an appointment for the live broadcast in advance and squatted in front of the computer.

Many domestic netizens are predicting: "Huaguo's next opponent is Brazil. The luck of this draw is very good, and the chances of winning are very large. Entering this year's semi-finals should be stable."

"For Brazil, it's a shame to draw China, right?"

"Brazil's best result in the Gunslinger World Championships was the top sixteen, and it is a breakthrough to make it to the top eight this year!"

"I feel like they can't beat China."

"You don't need to feel it, I'm sure they can't beat China!"

"Looking forward to tomorrow's game, the alarm clock has been set!"

For the first time, domestic netizens have such confidence in the national team, and most of them think that the Huaguo team can win.

Jiang Shaoyu certainly thought so too.

Brazil, on paper, is a mid-tier team in the bottom half.

They had good luck in this grouping. They did not encounter too strong opponents in Group H. They played Malaysia in the knockout stage and also won the tiebreaker after a 2:2 draw. Brazil team is more than a little bit worse than Huaguo in terms of player strength and lineup layout.

However, the game should not be taken lightly just because it encounters an enemy who is weaker than oneself, and it is easy to overturn. Jiang Shaoyu still carefully prepared for this match. He chose the map and lineup, and let the players hurry up and practice in the team.

In the blink of an eye, it's the game day.

At 7 p.m. on the 13th, all members of the Huaguo team came to the scene in their uniforms. The Brazilian team's players all had their hair braided into thin plaited braids, showing white teeth when they laughed. Jiang Shaoyu always felt that these players are... a bit silly.

Their coach also looked relaxed. Coach Matthew danced and told the players in the lounge, "We have advanced to the quarter-finals, everyone must have fun! If we win one game, we will earn it!"

Under the leadership of the coach, the Brazilian team did not feel nervous. Anyway, their e-sports project has always been at the middle level in the world, and it is an unexpected surprise to be able to enter the top eight.

If it was last year, they still have a chance of winning against the Huaguo team. But this year's Huaguo team was too terrible, beating Germany, Canada, Spain, the United Kingdom...and becoming the strongest Boss in the lower half.

So... just have fun.

They didn't even think about winning the trophy anyway. It doesn't matter if they win or lose, just "enjoy the game"!

The game officially started at 7 o'clock, and the coaches of both sides came to the soundproof room to conduct mode and map BP. The system randomly drew lots, and the Huaguo team was drawn first. Jiang Shaoyu submitted the mode: Endless Bloody Battle.

There are a lot of maps in the bloody quick game. Coach Matthew looked at the map in front of him, but he didn't struggle. He simply banned three five-star maps in a row!

Pirate Base, Huaguo directly smashed the UK in this map, can't you let it go?

Princess Cruise ship, submarine warfare, too difficult.

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