Chapter 91

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Chapter 91: National Team’s Selection Announcement

In the following period of time, Jiang Shaoyu continued to watch the B-grade League live every weekend. Then from Monday to Friday, he stayed at the base to prepare for the selection of the national team. Since it needed to be fair and just, he couldn’t directly appoint candidates. Every player needed to enter the national team using their own strength.

The past national teams were all recommended by clubs and internally determined by the league. The coach of the national team had no real power and there had never been an open trial. This year would be the first one so the rules of the selection had to be carefully weighed.

Jiang Shaoyu convened the work group of the national team and held a private meeting with Vice-chairman Qi, saying, “After the rules of the selection competition are set, the national team’s selection every year in the future will follow this process. This will give everyone who wants to enter the national team a fair chance to compete. There will be no room for clubs to intervene, so that no unsightly players are selected and waste the quota of the national team.”

Qi Heng nodded and praised it. “Yes, it should’ve been like this a long time ago. Have you thought of the specific selection method?”

Jiang Shaoyu replied, “Yes. This year’s judges will be composed of four people, including me, Vice-chairman Qi, Old Cui and Old Chang. There will also be the three tactical consultants: Coach Zhu of the SN team, Coach Gu of the JZ team and Coach Xu of the BM team.”

Qin Bo raised a question. “But in this case, will they give high scores to players from their own team?”

Jiang Shaoyu explained, “No. The national team’s tryouts will adopt a ‘double blind’ rule. Each player will be assigned a candidate number and randomly grouped according to their position. Then they will play a 5v5 battle. The contestants won’t know who the examiners are and the examiners won’t know which participant corresponds to each number. This will avoid the situation where the examiner knows a player and gives them a high score.”

Qin Bo praised it. “This method is good! I will make a program to let the contestants randomly draw lots to determine their candidate number. This way, the examiners won’t know the contestant that corresponds to each number and subjective emotional influence is excluded when scoring. Even if Coach Jiang gives Pei Feng a full score, no one will question that it is because Pei Feng is your apprentice.”

Jiang Shaoyu nodded. “Yes.”

Qi Heng thought about it carefully and couldn’t help applauding. “I second it! In this case, we will score based on the performance of the players on the spot. However, won’t their voices be recognized once they speak on the voice channel?”

Qin Bo suggested, “I can install voice changer software on each contestant’s computer. This way, everyone’s voice will become a mechanical voice. The examiner will only know which contestant is speaking but they won’t be able to tell who they are.”

Old Chang raised his hand and asked, “What if you are matched with a pig teammate and lose?”

Jiang Shaoyu said, “We will judge the players, not look at the wins and losses. We will only look at their performance in the game. If someone on the losing side performs better then the MVP can also come from the losing team. The judges will score each contestant on five items: reaction speed, operation technology, overall view, command ability and stability. Each item will have a full score of 100 and a comprehensive evaluation will be made at the end.”

Jiang Shaoyu looked at Qin Bo. “Qin Bo, please make a group matching software. Group according to the charger, assaulter, scout, medic and sniper. If the number of applicants in a certain group is relatively small, let them fight a few more games.”

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