Chapter 107

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Chapter 107: Training Difficulty

Jiang Shaoyu finished demonstrating the use of the software to the players and told everyone, “Everyone, log into the software and try it first.”

Qin Bo stepped forward and explained, “Everyone, please open the ‘National Team’s Daily Training’ program on the desktop. Enter your name in the account column and the initial password is 66. After logging in, you can change the password yourself.

They all opened the software to log into their accounts.

Jiang Shaoyu’s administrator software interface could see the avatars popping up one after another. For example, after Pei Feng logged in, the avatar representing Pei Feng brightened and it would darken when he went offline. If Jiang Shaoyu wanted to watch a player, he could directly click on the player’s avatar and see the content of their training.

At the same time, the players’ avatars would show ‘today’s online time’ and ‘current training project’. It could be seen who had practiced for a few hours and there was no way to be lazy. These functions were all done by Qin Bo according to Jiang Shaoyu’s requirements.

The 11 team members clicked into the software to familiarize themselves with it.

Jiang Shaoyu told them, “If you have any questions regarding the training software and course arrangement, you can ask them on the spot.”

Hua Ran took the initiative to raise his hand. “Coach, the schedule only writes the schedule of each training and doesn’t set a required level. Do we choose the difficulty or do you decide it?”

He had clicked onto the first movement exercise and found there were ten levels. Levels one to five were relatively simple while the difficulty of the later levels became more and more abnormal. What Coach Jiang demonstrated to them just now should be level six, which was already very scary. Level ten simply wasn’t something that humans could pass, right?

Jiang Shaoyu answered, “Everyone will start from the first level and proceed up step by step. There is no need to go to the highest difficulty immediately.”

If they went directly to the highest difficulty, the players would only be repeatedly killed and they wouldn’t improve. Jiang Shaoyu hoped that they could make progress during the half a month of training, taking each step very solidly.

Xia Li asked, “Coach, is the schedule the same for all of us? You aren’t going to divide us into professions?”

Her question actually asked the key point. The requirements for a medic and a sniper were naturally different and their biases were different.

Jiang Shaoyu opened a table form and said, “The difficulty will vary slightly according to different professions. For example, in terms of marksmanship accuracy, snipers have the highest requirements. They need to pass level ten. Chargers, scouts and assaulters will need to pass level nine. The medic can be considered a pass when reaching level eight. For movement practice, melee professions need to pass level ten while snipers and medics need to pass level eight. I will send the specific requirements to the group. Everyone can look according to your profession.”

Everyone: “……”

In any case, they had to pass level eight at the minimum?

Even the medic required their marksmanship accuracy to pass level eight. No wonder why Shu Chen could kill the enemy medic with a single headshot in the field. He was trained like this in ACE in the past, right?

Shi Xiaobin was terrified when he heard it and he wondered if he could keep up.

Liu Shaozhou coughed lightly and asked with a smile, “Coach Jiang, can I ask how the test will take place?”

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