Chapter 96

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Chapter 96: Immovable Teammate

The evening matches proceeded in an orderly manner. In the 20th match, there was a very good sniper who brought the whole team to fly. He got 10 heads in one match and received a very high score.

In the 24th match, there was a scout who played very similarly to Ye Zi. He sneaked around the back to open up the situation and also received a high score.

At 11:30 p.m, the first round of matches was coming to an end.

In front of the computer, the No. 199 Hua Ran finally received the system notification. “You have been matched to the 30th match. Please prepare in advance and enter the 30th room.”

Hua Ran rubbed his hands together excitedly. “It is finally my turn!”

He clicked into the room and opened the firearms arsenal. Sure enough, all the skins were gone and they only contained the most primitive firearms. Black grenades, white smoke bombs and green gas bombs. For a skin collector, playing games without skins was really uncomfortable.

He had decided when he first played the game to be a ‘flashy rookie’. Today, he couldn’t use all the bells and whistles. Wasn’t this called ‘back to basics’? Hua Ran silently complained in his heart while quickly selecting grenades, smoke bombs and a UMP submachine gun to enter the match.

At the same time, No. 180 Shu Chen had been waiting all day and his turn finally came. He clicked into the competition room and opened the gun arsenal. He quickly filled his weapon slots with a bulletproof shield, first aid kit and double pistols.

Yu Feng, the sniper of the Snow Leopard team, drew the number 300 in this match and it was also the 30th match.

Yu Feng was ranked first in the sniper rankings of the secondary league. Captain Qin Xueyao’s scouting definitely contributed a lot but his own strength wasn’t bad. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to snipe immediately after Qin Xueyao found the enemy.

This time, he and Qin Xueyao both reported to the trials with the attitude of ‘seeing the world’. The secondary league players usually made appointments with each other for training matches and couldn’t make appointments with the first-tier teams of the A-Grade League at all. This was a rare opportunity to play against the gods.

On the other side, No. 178 Tang Kai took a deep breath and pressed the ready button. This double-blind competition system was actually very beneficial to him. God Wing didn’t know that No. 178 was him and the other judges didn’t know that he once acted out a script in front of Coach Jiang to get a triple kill. He just had to perform well in the trials and there would still be a chance.

No. 190 Zhang Yue was also taking a deep breath to adjust his mentality. He was a medic and it was hard to get good teammates through this type of blind selection method. He could only hope that the teammates he was matched with this time were a bit better and didn’t die too quickly.

In the meeting room, the judges looked up at the screen.

The lurkers red side: No. 180 Shu Chen, No. 199 Hua Ran, 273, 305, 314.

The guardians blue side: No. 178 Tang Kai, No. 190 Zhang Yue, 207, 299, No. 300 Yu Feng.

The judges didn’t know who was behind each number and Shu Chen didn’t know that he had matched with Hua Ran as a teammate.

The random map of this match was ‘Cross Street’.

At the beginning of the game, No. 199 switched to a smoke bomb and rushed forward quickly. Shu Chen was stunned when he saw his teammate rushing away like a wild horse out of control and hurriedly followed.

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