Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Who Are You?

The key to the parallel search tactic was the consistent pace of the two players.

The two people had to move in tandem. If the cooperation wasn’t right, it was easy to be broken by the other side.

The sniper had to ensure that their firepower would always cover their scout teammate and protect the scout from being killed. At the same time, the moment the scout found the position of the opposite player, the sniper had to shoot and kill immediately. If they were slow by even one second, their teammate might be counter-killed by the opponent.

Jiang Shaoyu sneaked into the building complex on the side. Pei Feng saw the small dot on the map and immediately followed.

The master and apprentice kept a cooperative distance from each other and moved quickly to the southeast like two parallel lines.

Just then, Jiang Shaoyu abruptly stopped and Pei Feng immediately stopped as well. The next moment, a cloud of white smoke rose in front of him. The opposite scout had used a smoke bomb as cover to go around. Pei Feng instinctively wanted to shoot and protect the boss…

However, the moment he emerged, a bullet suddenly struck from the side rear.

[‘Robert444’ has used FR-Scarlet to kill ‘Sniper002’ with a headshot!]

Pei Feng, “……”

The opposite side made a sound in the east and struck in the west! It seemed like they were going to surround the boss but the real goal was to get rid of him.

Pei Feng smiled helplessly. “Boss, it is my fault.”

Jiang Shaoyu typed calmly: It is okay. Pay attention to your positioning.


The sniper had died and Jiang Shaoyu didn’t last long fighting 1V2. The first small game was quickly lost.

The qualifying matches were a best of five format.

At the start of the second round, Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu cooperated from the beginning. Jiang Shaoyu sneaked into the building complex to help Pei Feng with his vision. Pei Feng was also strong enough. The moment he locked onto the other side’s position, he simply and neatly opened the scope and killed three people in a row!

The opposite had a similar style of playing.

The scout Kim Minji provided the vision and the sniper Robert quickly killed three people.

The situation became 2V2 again.

Jiang Shaoyu and Pei Feng tried to cooperate again. However, Kim Minji and Robert were professional players after all. In terms of operation or reaction, they were world-class. It wasn’t known where Kim Minji came from but he quickly fired the two guns in his hands and both shots hit Jiang Shaoyu!

[‘KillerJ’ hit ‘7766501’ with the Twin Titans.]

Pei Feng saw the boss’ low health and immediately fired to protect him. He narrowed his eyes and fired. Kim Minji reacted quickly and dodged so that Pei Feng only hit his shoulder. However, the Balot gun was so powerful that Kim Minji’s health instantly lowered.

Jiang Shaoyu only had 20% health left at this time. He decisively went around and stabbed Kim Minji, who was hiding behind a wall.

[‘7766501’ assassinated ‘KillerJ’ with the Scarlet Blade!]

Pei Feng couldn’t help praising him. “Boss, nice!”

The enemy scout was killed and the two of them continued to cooperate in the search. They used the strategy of wrapping dumplings to kill the sniper.

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