Chapter 82

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Chapter 82: The End of the Inspection

Liu Shaozhou officially debuted in the S5 season. Qi Heng retired and handed over the BM team to his apprentice. Liu Shaozhou took over his sniper position and led the BM team. After a few years, he finally realized his master’s wish and won the league championship.

The AWM-Meteor was an official champion skin specially customized for Liu Shaozhou after he won the MVP.

Among the snipers of the major teams in the league, Liu Shaozhou had the highest strength and the most stable results. Of course, Qi Heng had a proud apprentice and Jiang Shaoyu also had one. He taught Pei Feng. Pei Feng hadn’t officially fought with Liu Shaozhou but his strength was no worse than Liu Shaozhou.

Jiang Shaoyu and Qi Heng continued to watch the training match.

The Life and Death Explosion mode was different from other modes. The distance between the police and the explosion mode weren’t exactly equal. Some maps were easy to defend and difficult to defend. Therefore, the explosion mode was divided into the five half (five small games) and the second half (5 small games). After the first half, the identities of the two sides were switched. The final victory or loss was determined by the total scores of the 10 rounds. If it was a 5:5 tie then it would go into overtime to determine the outcome.

In the first half, Liu Shaozhou was randomly assigned to the police. His strategy was very clear. He directly occupied the air corridor between the teaching building and the gymnasium, guarding the explosion point of the teaching building and sniping players one by one. For this ‘fixed point defense’ method, the other side had to send someone to kill him or they would have no chance to install explosives under his nose.

Liu Shaozhou’s defensive ability was quite excellent. He directly scored 4:1 in the first half.

At the beginning of the second half, the two sides rotated and Liu Shaozhou became a bandit.

As an attacker, his route wasn’t the same as the police. He didn’t take the initiative to fight for the air corridor. He instead headed to the gymnasium as soon as possible. Then he climbed to the second floor of the gymnasium and set up his gun in advance.

This time, they had split up in 1:3:1 mode and were ready to rush to point B in the gymnasium.

The scout went alone to the air corridor to solve the sniper on the opposite side. The charger and assaulter moved with the police to break through the opposite side’s defense line. The sniper Liu Shaozhou acted alone and provided cover fire on the 2nd floor in advance.

In the blink of an eye, fighting broke out in the gymnasium. Liu Shaozhou killed the opposite charger as quickly as possible, buying time for his team. The sniper of the 2nd team stared specifically at the front row and killed the teammate with the explosive pack in seconds.

The medic immediately set up the bulletproof light shield to revive the teammate while someone else picked up the explosive pack and rushed to the explosion point. He placed the explosive pack at the designated location.

A system notification popped up on the screen: The explosives have been placed.

Then a red badge flashed on the mini-map with a timer. It was the bomb countdown: 30 seconds, 29 seconds…

The situation was tense. The police had to defuse the bomb within 30 seconds!

At this time, there were still four people on the police team alive. Liu Shaozhou moved quickly on the 2nd floor, killing the police medic. At the same time, he sent the scout around the rear to kill the sniper on the opposite side of the air corridor.

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