Chapter 138

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The bloody battle mode is the fastest among the three modes. 5V5 fights a wave of team battles. Even if you win a small game once you destroy the opponent, you will win 3 games in 5 games. It is simple and rude, and the requirements for commanding are not so high.

The Singapore team has a hot-blooded style of play, which is very suitable for this kind of fast-paced team battle.

Jiang Shaoyu banned all the maps they used in the group stage: Deep in the Jungle, Fountain Square, and Circular Corridor. These three maps with quick gun fights can maximize the advantages of the Singapore team.

Coach Zhang did not hesitate, and directly chose the map: Line 7 of the subway station.

The scene of this map is relatively open. There are four pillars in the subway station that can be used to hide, and the subway cars can also fight. But since there are not many sniper points on the map, it is not friendly to snipers.

Huaguo's starting lineup today is Huahua, Xueyao, Pei Feng, Shu Chen and Shi Xiaobin, and Xiao Gui did not play. After seeing the map, the players of the Huaguo team quickly adjusted their equipment.

Pei Feng brought a MSG suitable for mobile guerrilla warfare, Shi Xiaobin brought a Thomson submachine gun, and the secondary weapons were medical bandages and bulletproof light plates. In this map, the use of grenades | grenades is prohibited due to the narrow terrain in the carriage. Hua Ran simply brought two submachine guns and smoke bombs.

At the beginning of the game, the Singapore team played very fiercely. The five people rushed over in a group. Hua Ran immediately threw a smoke bomb to cover his teammates. Shi Xiaobin and Shu Chen hid in the compartment. Go out the door on one side and find a pillar to hide.

The Singapore team was unstoppable and rushed into the carriage in one breath.

The captain commanded: "Kill the medics first!"

The two medics of the Huaguo team, you save me and I save you, will be difficult to deal with once they are allowed to drag the battle to the later stage. Killing the meds first will prevent them from constantly saving people.

The five members of the Huaguo team couldn't fight head-on and quickly dispersed.

The first wave of the Singapore team seemed to break up their formation. However, in the afternoon practice match, Jiang Shaoyu warned the enemy to show weakness and lure the enemy deeper.

They spread out on purpose, allowing the players of the Singapore team to rush into the carriage to kill the medics.

The first wave of the Singapore team's charge went very smoothly. The snipers covered the fire in the distance. The remaining 4 people started to sweep the car in a carpet-like manner, trying to kill Shu Chen and Shi Xiaobin.

Shi Xiaobin was close to a few people, and the Singaporean charger smashed him with a wave of fire.

Shi Xiaobin hurriedly blocked the door of the subway car with bulletproof light panels and ran out of the car quickly. As he ran, he bandaged himself, and in the blink of an eye, he filled up his health again.

The Singapore team's charger burst his bulletproof light plate with a wave of strafing fire, followed by a ferocious shot at the back of Shi Xiaobin's escape.

Bang bang bang!

[SIN-Luna] used [Uzi MAC-Venom] to kill [CHN-Time]!

Shi Xiaobin was the first to fall into a pool of blood.

At this time, Pei Feng, who was in the distance, finally waited for the opportunity—because the Singapore team's charger and assaulter were attracted by Shi Xiaobin, and turned their backs to him at this time.

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