Chapter 167

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The coach of the German team, Clemens, has been coaching for many years and has rich experience. He watched the game from the God's perspective on the coach's bench, and at a glance, he saw what was wrong with the Huaguo team's lineup——the key to the Huaguo team was not the sniper, charger and assaulter, but the scout and medic.

Scout and report points as quickly as possible, find the German's medic, and let teammates double-team to kill them; follow Huaguo to take advantage of "no medic on the opposite side, but we can be resurrected by our medic" to fight against the German front row. Blood, even if you die, the medic can save you. In the end, the situation of playing more and playing less was formed and won the game.

After Clemens came to the soundproof room, he immediately whispered to the players. "The core of the Huaguo team lineup is the scout and medic, regardless of their front row and sniper, kill the scout as quickly as possible. Then find a way to form a group. Rush over and take out the medic on the opposite side."

The crowd suddenly realized. No wonder the Huaguo team's scout didn't show up from beginning to end in the last round. It turned out to be an auxiliary scouting play, and she reported points on the periphery.

German scout Weber nodded and said, "Understood, I'll find Snow on the opposite side first."

After the timeout, the coaches of both sides returned to the coaching bench.

According to the regulations of the World Series, in BO3 games, each coach has two opportunities to suspend. Pause can only be used at the end of the small round, and there is no way to call pause when the two sides are playing a team. Because the rhythm of the shootout game is too fast, sometimes the players will not be able to react, and the coach is given the opportunity to pause, which is used to adjust the team state.

Clemence's timeout was called in a timely manner, allowing the players to find their way.

The second round officially started, and the players on both sides refreshed at the birth point. This time the German team really learned to be smart. Scout Weber quickly circled around from the outer circle, trying to find Qin Xueyao first.

[Aquarium] The fish tanks in this map are all bulletproof glass. Although the blue light on the roof dyes the water in the glass, the beautiful fish will also interfere with the line of sight. However, the glass has a certain degree of transparency after all. In addition to listening to the footsteps, you can also see the afterimage of the opponent through the glass.

Not long after the game started, Weber saw a black afterimage flashing quickly in the southwest. He quickly took a detour to catch up, and when he walked around a corner, he found Snow, the scout of the Huaguo team.

Qin Xueyao quickly shuttled between the fish tanks, like a nimble little fish, Weber couldn't catch up with her for a while. The two were chasing after me in the lower left corner of the map, and Weber said, "Frank, stop her at 8 o'clock!"

Hearing the words of his teammates, Frank hurriedly circled in the other direction.

Although Qin Xueyao's walking skills were excellent, she was quickly double-teamed by the opponent, and she quickly revealed her whereabouts. When walking around a corner, Qin Xueyao heard footsteps ahead and immediately pulled the trigger——

boom! boom!

The gunshots sounded almost at the same time!

[CHN-Snow] hit [GER-Frank] with [Sand Eagle-Ice Flame]!

[GER-Weber] used [Sand Eagle-Gold Dual Wield] to kill [CHN-Snow] with a headshot!

Qin Xueyao shot the opposite assaulter, but was shot in the head by the scout behind her.

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