Chapter 71

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Chapter 71: Talent

Shi Xiaobin usually didn’t play a medic. He had been playing the charger position since he was a youth trainee. It was because Lao Lin was his idol and he felt that Lao Lin’s appearance as a charger was very domineering. He also had to be a powerful charger.

He went to Xing City’s youth training camp with such a belief.

Mo Hantian was a fan of God Wing and Shi Xiaobin was a fan of Lao Lin. The players they liked were both legendary members of ACE. Fans met fans and there were naturally many common languages in private. In addition, their hometown was in the same city. They quickly became acquainted and became very good friends.

Among the youth trainees in that class, Mo Hantian had the best results and Shi Xiaobin was ranked second. Later, CIP extended an olive branch to Mo Hantian and Shi Xiaobin received an invitation from the RED Club. They might’ve signed to different clubs but they often teamed up to play the rankings when they were idle.

Shi Xiaobin never expected that in today’s ranking matches, his teammate snatched the charger position so he had to fill the medic position. Then he ended up being seen by Jiang Shaoyu, who was patrolling.

After withdrawing from the game, he and Mo Hantian started the next game.

Jiang Shaoyu instructed, “Let Shi Xiaobin continue playing the medic and see.”

Coach Chen looked at Jiang Shaoyu’s cold expression. He picked up the headset in a trembling manner and notified him as an administrator, “Xiao Bin, continue to play the medic for us to see.”

Shi Xiaobin was stunned for a moment. All the computers in the training room could be monitored in real time by the coaches. Everyone knew this so few people dared to slack off during the training time. The coaches also sometimes looked at how well they practiced in private. However, this was the first time to directly ask him to play a medic?

Shi Xiaobin was puzzled in his heart but he spoke into the microphone. “Brother Mo, I’ll continue with a medic in the next game.”

Mo Hantian didn’t think much about it. “Okay, let’s start.”

Out of the three teammates they matched with in the next game, two had what seemed to be couple profile pictures. They locked onto the charger and medic as soon as they entered.

Shi Xiaobin murmured, “Ah… the two positions I want to play are gone.”

Mo Hantian told him, “Look at me!”

He started acting spoiled and cute again, using the translator to output wildly. It was full of ‘oppa’ but Shi Xiaobin also cooperated by sending a tearful emoji. “I’m sorry, I can only be a medic. We will definitely lose if I choose another position.”

His teammate probably didn’t want to lose and took the initiative to change positions. Shi Xiaobin immediately locked onto the medic position and smoothly entered the game.

The map randomly selected this time was a bit difficult. It was the three-story structure of an ‘sky prison’. This map was a 3D map and there were a large number of forks and shortcuts. His teammates rushed out and Shi Xiaobin followed at the end. He saw Mo Hantian climb to the second floor to set up the gun. Shi Xiaobin immediately got into the pipe next to him.

Qi Heng wanted to laugh when he saw it. “How can he be like a mouse? He can actually hide here!”

The pipe was a blind spot in the guardians’ field of view. Two people passed by from the enemy team but they didn’t find Shi Xiaobin inside it. However, Mo Hantian on the second floor clearly saw the enemy’s actions. He opened the range and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

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