Chapter 2. Bradley Rooster Bradshaw

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"I'm Bradley."

Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw was only four years old when his father, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw died in an accident while flying an F-14. He remembered how devastated his mother was when he passed. When Bradley first showed interest in flying, his mother objected, which in turn made him want to fly more. He always heard stories growing up about his father, mainly from his father's best friend, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. The only person who seemed to supported Bradley's urge to fly. But years later, when his mother was on her death bed, Maverick pulled Bradley's papers. Setting him back four years, until he finally got the call. He was going to Top Gun



After his first class, Rooster and the rest of his classmates decided to head down to the most prominent bar in Miramar. Majority of his classmates went before him as he debated if he even wanted to go. He wasn't a huge drinker, and already hated Hangman with a burning passion. But there was something inside of him screaming to go to that bar, and so he did. 

As he walked into the bar, the first thing he heard was Phoenix yelling to him. "Hey, Rooster! Get your ass over here!" He smiled and headed towards the dark-haired girl. "Phoenix," He replied once he was within ear shot as he gave her a bit of a side hug. 

"Rooster." Hangman, the cocky blonde pilot, smirked at him as he leaned against his pool cue.

"Hangman." Rooster responded as he glared at the pilot for a moment before sitting down and watching as Phoenix kicked Hangman's ass in pool. After a moment, Hangman walked over to Rooster, sitting down next to him, and put his arm around his shoulders 

Annoyed, Rooster let out a slight sigh as he looked over towards the blonde who was just staring at him with a grin. "What do you want, Hangman?"

"Don't look now, but that girl over there," Hangman said as he gestures his head to a purple haired girl who was sitting at the bar alone. "She's been checking you out for the last five minutes." Hangman let him go and winked at him before continuing his game.

Rooster looked over his shoulder at the girl that he was referring to and smiled as she happened to look up at the same time that he was looking at her. She had these beautiful hazel eyes that instantly made his face red. 

She truly was beautiful.

As soon as the girl noticed that he was looking back at her, she got red and averted her gaze from his. Rooster couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he took this opportunity to try and talk to her. 

"Hey, Phoenix." The women in question turned her attention to her friend. "You see that girl over there." He gestured over to the girl who's gaze was still averted, hyper focused on the drink in front of her. 

"Yeah?" Phoenix responded, looking a little confused which only caused Rooster to grin. 

"She's lost that lovin' feelin'" Rooster patted Phoenix as he walked away from her, picked up a microphone, and started to head towards the girl. 

Phoenix just  rolled her eyes as she muttered a quiet, "Here we go again." before following her fellow pilot.

Rooster walked up behind the girl, tapping her on the shoulder nervously as he held the microphone behind his back. As soon as she turned to face him, he couldn't help but smile at the obvious shock that painted her face. 

Slowly, he brought the microphone up to his face and started to sing.  "You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips." 

Phoenix walked up beside him, feeling slight second hand embarrassment from her friend's actions. None the less, that didn't stop her from joining in. "And there's no tenderness like before in your finger tips." 

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