Chapter 25. Dagger Spare, Standing By

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"Don't do anything stupid, you hear me?"

Skywalker was standing tall with her arms behind her back. As It turns out, Maverick had been appointed team leader. And since they were going out to their mission today, he got the chance to choose who he wanted on his team.

"It's been an honour flying with you." Maverick spoke, standing at the front of the room as he looked at each of them. "Each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission. My choice is a reflection of that and nothing more."

"Choose your two foxtrot teams." Cyclone spoke from the side, gesturing towards the group of Top Gun Graduates.

"Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob." Skywalker watched as both teams had the same look on their faces. They both looked proud but terrified and even though she hadn't been chosen yet, Skywalker felt their fear.

"And your Wingman." Both Skywalker and Rooster looked over at each other sharing the same scared look before facing Maverick again. She knew it wouldn't be her because she wasn't able to withstand the high G's.

"Rooster." The man in question looked up from his feet, shocked that he'd been chosen. And at that moment, Skywalker felt fear rush through her like she'd never felt before. She didn't know why, she wasn't going on this mission but she still felt absolutely terrified.

"Dismissed." Warlock spoke as the group of Top Gunners dispersed. Skywalker began to walk towards Rooster, wanting to talk to him since she hadn't spoken to him in the last few days.

"Skywalker. Hangman." The two blondes turned to face Maverick who was calling after the two of them. They stopped and waited for the Captain to catch up to them.

"I want you two to be our spare. Skywalker, I want you to fly. Hangman, I want you to be the RIO." The two pilots looked at each other, asking each other the same silent question.

"Whatever you need, sir." Skywalker answered once she was looking at Maverick again. He nodded at the two of them before excusing himself and walking towards the debriefing room.

"We got this." Hangman spoke, reaching his hand out towards Skywalker. She gave him a half smile before bring her hand to his, shaking it. The two of them also made their way towards the debriefing room.


After Bates had gone over the mission one last time, despite it being burned into their head, everyone began to make their way towards their jets. Skywalker walked towards Phoenix and Bob who were prepping their bombs and their lasers.

"Hey." She spoke, causing the two of them to turn to face her.

"Hey." Phoenix and her just stared at each other for a moment before they both simultaneously embraced each other. Their grip was tight on each other as Skywalker held the back of Phoenix's head.

Once the two of them separated, her and Bob shared a quick hug. It was a brotherly hug and she couldn't help but feel like she was about to cry. She pulled away from Bob, blinking the tears away.

"You two stay safe, alright?" The two nodded before Skywalker walked away and made her way towards Payback and Fanboy.

Fanboy is the first person to notice her standing there. He nudged Payback who looked over at her as she gave the two of them a half smile. "Good luck!" She shouted over top of the roaring jet engines.

"Thanks!" Payback responded, waving over towards Skywalker as she left them to get ready.

Skywalker started to look around the deck, looking for the two other people she still needed to send off. That's when she spotted Maverick walking towards his jet.

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