Chapter 11. A Moment of Clarity

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"Saw your class photo. Then I found your file."

Bradley had spent all of his days angry at Maverick for what he had done. He set him back four years, why wouldn't he be mad? And the thing that makes it worse is the fact that Maverick was his only family left, and he betrayed him. He spent countless hours wondering where he'd be if it wasn't for Maverick. But suddenly, he was glad that Maverick pulled his papers. Because he never would've met her.



Phoenix and Rooster were both sitting by a computer, looking through the database for any files that would tell them what happened to Ava. It didn't take them too long when a file popped up that had her name and callsign with text next to it that said, DISMISSED.

"I think we found our girl." Phoenix whispered to Rooster who nodded in agreement. Phoenix clicked on the file and was immediately met with a photo of a young Ava. She was smiling while high-fiving the man that was standing next to her.

"Are you sure you wanna know?" Phoenix looked over at Rooster who had a stone face. He nodded, not taking his eyes off of the photo of Ava. Phoenix began to scroll and read aloud what the file said.

"Ava Carens (call sign, Skywalker), graduated the Top Gun class of 2007 in second place. But not before her RIO, Devon Elmer (callsign, Shark), passed away during an exercise due to a parachute malfunction." Phoenix paused and looked up at Rooster who was now clenching his jaw.

He didn't know what was more upsetting to him, the fact that Ava went through this, or the fact that this reminded him of what happened to his father. "Keep going." He was finally able to say as he relaxed his jaw slightly.

"After a few months, she was requested to fly a mission alongside Captain Pete Mitchell (callsign, Maverick), to do a routine check along the Navy bases." Rooster felt anger tightening in his chest at the name of the man who pulled his papers. "During one of these checks, an old Mig was spotted and Skywalker was able to take them out." Phoenix's breathe hitched as she read in her head the next sentence.

She closed her eyes and took a shaky breath before continuing reading to Rooster. "Unfortunately, due to the high level of G's that she flew, she miscarried a child she never knew she was carrying."

Rooster's hands flew up to his head as he pulled at his hair. The two of them were speechless, looking at the computer screen. "After that, Ava Carens turned in her wings and hasn't flown for the Navy since." Phoenix finally finished, turning to look at Rooster who had a mix of emotions displayed on his face.

"Rooster, you have to talk to her." Phoenix said, standing up from the chair that sat in front of the computer. Rooster just shook his head before storming out of the research facility, Phoenix quickly following behind him.

"Hey." She grabbed his forearm, turning him to face her. "I can't just talk to her after that!" He yelled suddenly, startling Phoenix a little bit. The two just looked at each other for a moment before Phoenix stepped back.

"Fine, go fucking pout then." She stormed out of the building towards her room. Phoenix stared at the nob for a moment before stepping away from the door. She knew where she needed to go, and Rooster watched her storm off to her car and drive away.


Ava was sitting on the couch, watching Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. She was eating her dinner, trying desperately to ignore her phone that hasn't so much as buzzed in the last three hours which was making her nervous.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Ava jumped slightly, before getting up and opening the door.

"Hey!" Ava was shocked to see Nat standing at her front door.

"Nat, what are you doing here?" Ava questioned, crossing her arms while outside. "Can we talk?" Ava paused for a moment before motioning for her to step inside. The two of them made their way into the living room and sat on her couch.

Ava paused her film before crossing her legs and turning to face Nat. "Listen, if this is about Bradley-" Ava was cut off by Nat waving her hand dismissively. "Kind of. But I'm here about something else, Skywalker."

Ava turned to look at Nat with her eyes wide, not knowing what to say. "How do you know about that?" Ava asked, covering her face with her hands. "Saw your class photo. Then I found your file." Nat placed a hand on her shoulder, causing Ava to move her hands from her face. "I'm sorry for your losses." Nat's eyes were full of sympathy, and that made Ava slightly annoyed.

"You know what those files didn't say, that my RIO was my fiancé. And the baby that I was carrying, it was his." She spoke as she felt the tears begin to fall as she wiped them away aggressively.

Nat opened her mouth but no words came out as the two sat in silence for a moment. "Listen, Ava, I'm sorry that you lost so many people you cared about. But you can't just cut Bradley out of your life like this." Nat's tone was stern, like a mother lecturing her child. Ava couldn't escape her stare, no matter how hard she tried.

"Look, I'm not saying you have to date Bradley. But you owe him an explanation, just give him that." Nat's eyes were pleading, desperate, and Ava was defeated. She gave Nat a simple nod while looking into her lap, fighting the tears that threatened to fall.

Ava was caught off guard when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her causing her to cry even harder. "I know it hurts, but you're so strong, Ava." Nat whispered as she rubbed her back, letting her sob into her chest.

Eventually, the pair separated and Nat decided that it was time for her to head home. "Look, please just call him." Nat turned to face Ava once more who had an unreadable expression on her face.

"I will." Ava finally said with a slightly broken voice. Nat just gave her a nod before walking to her car and driving off, leaving Ava alone with her thoughts.


Time for our girly to call up our boy so they can FINALLY open up about everything. I know this chapter was kinda short and I'm sorry but I promise you the next one is a little less boring. Here's a personal life update. I've picked up so many shifts at work this week cause I'm #broke and in desperate need of money so I'm gonna be exhausted by the end. At least next week is my reading week so I can sleep in.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add it into my next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks :)

~ Jo

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