Chapter 19. Something Hangman Deserves

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"Would you just shut up already!"

After everyone had finished flying their simulations, with none of them being a success, Maverick began to ridicule all of the pilots. He started off with Phoenix and Coyote then made his way to Hangman and Payback. 

Maverick began to go over Skywalker's and Omaha's simulation, skipping to the part where the three of them failed. "Why are you dead?" The Captain asked, looking over at Skywalker who shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"We were flying recklessly." She answered, avoiding eye contact with Maverick as he stared her down. He'd flown with her before, he knew that she was better than this. So he kept pushing, "How come?"

Skywalker finally made eye contact with the Captain before answering his question. "We got excited." She shrugged, looking over to Halo who had her lips pursed together, trying not to laugh.

"That's not good enough." Maverick spoke, causing Skywalker's face to drop before he moved on.

Next it showed Rooster's simulation along with Yale and Harvard. Rooster was watching with a smile placed on his lips as he made it to the target. His smile quickly dropped when Maverick asked, "Why are you dead."

Rooster shifted in his seat, now saying anything as he glared at the Captain. "You're team leader up there. Why are you, why is your team dead?" He asked once more, still staring Rooster down.

"Sir," Skywalker spoke up, earning Maverick's attention. "He's the only one who made it to the target." Rooster gave her an appreciative smile before Maverick spoke up again.

"A minute late." He sighed, not making eye contact with anyone in the room. "He gave enemy aircraft time to shoot him down. He is dead."

"You don't know that." Rooster spoke up for the first time, causing Skywalker to look over at him. 

"You're not flying fast enough." The irritating voice of Hangman spoke up. "You don't have a second to waste."

Skywalker glared at the cocky pilot while Rooster continued, shutting down Hangman's attempt at getting under his skin. "We made it to the target."

"And superior enemy aircraft intercepted you on your way out." Skywalker, along with the rest of the class, were looking between the two pilots who were arguing. 

"Then it's a dog fight."

"Against fifth generation fighters." Maverick was starting raise his voice as Rooster kept testing him. His responses remained calm which only seemed to anger the pilot more as he said, "Yeah. We'd still have a chance."

Bob and Skywalker both shared the same look as they continued to listen to the two of them bicker back and fourth. Meanwhile, Phoenix was looking into her lap while shaking her head. 

When Skywalker turned her attention back towards Rooster, she saw a cocky grin planted on his face as he proceeded to say, "It's not the plane, sir, it's the pilot."

"Exactly!" The room went quiet after Maverick had shouted at Rooster's who's smirk was gone at this point. No one dared to even breath in fear of disturbing the tense atmosphere.

"There's more than one way to fly this mission." Rooster finally spoke, staring daggers at Maverick. But before the Captain could respond, Hangman decided to chime in.

"You really don't get it. On this mission, a man flies like Maverick here, or a man does not come back." He said before glancing between both Phoenix and Skywalker before continuing by saying, "No offence intended."

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